System Abbreviation List

Below is a list of system abbreviations used by many GMs on RPoL.  These are often used in Game Names to indicate what rules system the GM uses.  Got any more to add to the list?  If it's a published system, just let us know and we'll add it in.

T2300    - 2300 AD/Traveller 2300
7Sea     - 7th Sea
Swash    - 7th Sea d20/Swashbuckling Adventures

AGoT     - A Game of Thrones
ASoIF    - A Song of Ice and Fire
A-St     - A-State
Abrnt    - Aberrant (original)
Abr20    - Aberrant d20
ADnD_    - AD&D (insert edition number)
Advn     - Adventure (original)
Adv20    - Adventure d20
Amath    - Aftermath
AFMBE    - All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Alt+     - Alternity
AmGO     - Amber - Guardians of Order
ADRPG    - Amber Diceless Roleplaying - Phage Press
Anima    - Anima RPG
ApocW    - Apocalypse World
Arma     - Armageddon
AofD     - Army of Darkness
Arwf     - Arrowflight
AM++     - Ars Magica
ATSA     - Atlantis: The Second Age
AtomH    - Atomic Highway
SASA     - Authority

Bab20    - Babylon 5, d20 rules.
BabP     - Babylon Project
BFRPG    - Basic Fantasy RPG
BRP+     - Basic Roleplaying
BWBH     - Bat-Winged Bimbos from Hell
BSG+     - Battlestar Galactica
BtSv_    - Beyond the Supernatural  (insert version number)
BBSW     - Big Breasts, Small Waist (hentai version of BESM)
BESM     - Big Eyes, Small Mouth
BESM20   - Big Eyes, Small Mouth, d20
BFG+     - Battlefleet Gothic
BB++     - Blood Bowl
BlPl     - Blue Planet
Boot     - Boot Hill
BNW+     - Brave New World
BEER     - Brawn, Ego, Extraneous, and Reflexes: Kobolds Ate My Baby (aka KAMB)
BrGr     - Broken Gears
BtVS     - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
BnB+     - Bunnies and Burrows
BGC+     - Bubblegum Crisis
Burn     - Burning Wheel
Bush     - Bushido

CoC100   - Call of Cthulhu d100 rules
CoC20    - Call of Cthulhu d20 rules
CoC5.5   - Call of Cthulhu version 5.5
C3:16    - Carnage 3:16
CAH+     - Cartoon Action Hour
CF-G     - GURPS Castle Falkenstein
CF-T     - Castle Falkenstein (original Talisorian version)
CnC+     - Castles and Crusades
Champ    - Champions
CtD_     - Changeling: the Dreaming (insert edition number)
CtL+     - Changeling: the Lost
CnS+     - Chivalry and Sorcery
CJCW     - CJ Carella's WitchCraft
TravC    - Classic Traveller (the Little Black Books)
ColG     - Colonial Gothic
Con+     - Conan
ConX     - Conspiracy X
CRiTY    - Continuum: Roleplaying in The Yet
Corp     - Corporation
CSRPG    - Cortex System RPG
Crim     - Crimson Skies
Ctech    - Cthulhutech
CGen     - Cybergeneration
CPnk     - Cyberpunk
CPnk20   - Cyberpunk 2020
Cpnk3X   - Cyberpunk 203X

D20M     - d20 Modern
DA-F     - Dark Ages: Fae
DA-I     - Dark Ages: Inquisitor
DA-M     - Dark Ages: Mage
DA-V     - Dark Ages: Vampire
DA-W     - Dark Ages: Werewolf
DCon     - Dark Conspiracy
DkFt     - Dark Future
DHer     - Dark Heresy
Dar_     - Darwin's World (_ indicates edition number)
DCH+     - DC Heroes
DCU+     - DC Universe
Dead     - Deadlands
DNW+     - Deeds Not Words
DtF_     - Demon: the Fallen (Insert edition number)
DB++     - Digital Burn
DWATS    - Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
DWRPG    - Doctor Who RPG (FASA/GW)
DitV     - Dogs in the Vineyard
DW++     - Dragon Warriors
DBZ+     - Dragonball Z
DQ++     - DragonQuest
DR++     - Dragonroar
DochD    - Drakar och Demoner
DrmPk    - Dream Park
DFRPG    - Dresden Files RPG
Dune     - Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium
DCCRPG   - Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
DnD3._   - D&D 3.0 or 3.5
DnD4e    - D&D 4th edition
DnDAU    - D&D Arcana Unearthed variant
DnD+     - D&D (Basic, Expert, etc...)
DE++     - Dying Earth

ED++     - EarthDawn
Eber     - Eberron
EclPh    - Eclipse Phase
EPT+     - Empire of the Petal Throne
EABA     - End All Be All
EHrt     - Engine Heart
Ethr     - Etherscope
EQ++     - EverQuest
Exal     - Exalted

FS++     - Fading Suns
Fall     - Fallout
FanC     - Fantasy Craft
FATE     - FATE: Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment.
FT++     - The Fantasy Trip
FwtD     - Fates Worse Than Death
Fear     - Fear Itself
Feng     - Feng Shui
Fiasco   - Fiasco
Fief     - Fief
FFRPG    - Final Fantasy RPG
Fire     - Fireborn
Free     - Free-form (only a suggestion)
FUDGE    - Fudge
Fuz_     - Fuzion, (insert edition number).

GW++     - Gamma World
GW20     - Gamma World d20 rules
GW-DnD   - Gamma World (4e D&D conversion)
Gang     - Gangbusters
GtSE     - Geist: the Sin Eaters
GORE     - Generic Old-school Role-playing Engine
GURPS_   - GURPS, (insert edition number)
CF-G     - GURPS - Castle Falkenstein
Trav-G   - GURPS - Traveller
GBI+     - GhostBusters
GnG+     - Ghouls and Ghosts
GH++     - Golden Heroes
Grimm    - Grimm RPG

Hack     - HackMaster
HCoV     - Haven - City of Violence
HvG      - Heavy Gear
HW++     - Hero Wars
Heroes   - Heroes System
HU++     - Heroes Unlimited
HU2d     - Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition
HU2dR    - Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition (Revised)
HQ++     - Heroquest
HEX+     - Hollow Earth Expedition
Home     - "Home-brewed" rules (ie: not commercially avalable, and not free-form)
HoL+     - Human Occupied Landfill
HtR_     - Hunter: the Reckoning (insert edition number)
HtV      - Hunter: the Vigil

Imm+     - Immortal - Invisible War
IN++     - In Nominé
Inqu     - Inquisitor
InSp     - InSpectres
IC++     - Ironclaw

JC++     - Jadeclaw
JD++     - Judge Dredd
JD20     - Judge Dredd d20
Just     - Justifiers

KAMB     - Kobolds Ate My Baby
KotE     - Kindred of the East

LabL     - Labyrinth Lord
Lace     - Lace and Steel
Lady     - Lady Blackbird
LnL+     - Legends & Labyrinths
L5R_     - Legend of the Five Rings (insert edition number)
LoA+     - Legends of Anglerre
LFNE     - Little Fears: Nightmare Edition
LiSt     - Living Steel
LW++     - Lone Wolf RPG
LotR     - Lord of the Rings

MWWG     - Macho Women with Guns
M-SC     - Mage: Sorcerer's Crusade
MtA_     - Mage: the Ascension (insert edition number)
MtAw     - Mage: the Awakening
Maid     - Maid RPG
MMnM     - Man, Myth and Magic
Trav4    - Mark Miller's Traveller (aka Traveller 4)
MSH+     - Marvel Super Heroes
MSHS     - Marvel Super Heroes - SAGA
MU++     - Marvel Universe
M+M      - Mazes and Minotaurs
Mech     - Mech Warrior
MechD    - Mechanical Dream
MTrav    - Megatraveller
MSPI     - Mercenaries, Spies, & Private Eyes
Alpha    - Metamorphosis Alpha
M20      - Microlite 20
MERP     - Middle Earth Roleplaying
MongT    - Mongoose Traveller
Mord     - Mordheim
MP++     - Morrow Project
MGrd     - Mouse Guard
MtR_     - Mummy: The Resurrection (insert edition number)
Mkin     - Munchkin
Mtnt     - Mutant
MnM_     - Mutants and Masterminds (insert edition number)

Necro    - Necromunda
nWoD     - New World of Darkness
NLife    - Night Life
NaSSv_   - Ninjas and Super Spies  (insert version number)
Nobil    - Nobilis

ORPG     - Ork RPG
Orph     - Orpheus
OSuns    - Other Suns
OtE+     - Over The Edge

Pall     - Palladium RPG
Para     - Paranoia
PaXP     - Paranoia XP
Pass     - Passages
Path     - Pathfinder
Pend     - Pendragon
Pkth     - Pokethulhu
PnP+     - Powers and Perils
PD1+     - Prime Directive 1st Edition
PD-G     - GURPS Prime Directive
PDd20    - Prime Directive d20
PDd6     - Prime Directive d6
Priv     - Privateers and Gentlemen
PtC_     - Promethean: the Created

QAGS     - Quick Ass Game System

RedD     - Red Dwarf
RNoW     - Renegade Nuns on Wheels
Rifts    - Rifts
Robo     - Robotech
=RT=     - Rogue Trader
Role     - Rolemaster
RQv_     - Runequest (v_ is version number)
MRQ+     - Runequest (Mongoose press)

SavW     - Savage Worlds
S:H+     - Scion: Hero
S:D+     - Scion: Demigod
S:G+     - Scion: God
SZir     - Secrets of Zir'an
Ser+     - Serenity RPG
SRv_     - ShadowRun (v_ is the version number
SAS+     - Silver Age Sentinels
SLA+     - SLA Industries
Sorc     - Sorcerer
1889     - Space 1889
SO++     - Space Opera
Space    - Spacemaster
Splc     - Splicers
SC20     - Spycraft d20 rules
SF++     - Star Frontiers
ST-DC    - Star Trek - Decypher
ST-FASA  - Star Trek - FASA/Games Workshop
ST-LU    - Star Trek - Last Unicorn
SWd6_    - Star Wars (West End Games) (insert edition number)
SWd20    - Star Wars d20 rules
SWSE     - Star Wars Saga Edition
Strb     - Starblazer
SG-1     - Stargate
SsTr     - Starship Troopers
SPQR     - Steve Perrin's Quest Rules
SFtSG    - Street Fighter: the Storytelling Game
Supe     - Supernatural RPG
Swash    - 7th Sea d20/Swashbuckling Adventures
S7S+     - Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies
SnW+     - Swords and Wizardry

TfFV     - Tales from the Floating Vagabond
Talis    - Talislanta
TMNT     - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness
TfOS     - Teenagers from Outer Space
TerP     - Terra Primate
TAIJ     - The Adventures of Indiana Jones
FT++     - The Fantasy Trip
TOR+     - The One Ring
TRoS     - The Riddle of Steel
TSoY     - The Shadow of Yesterday
TINS     - There Is No Spoon
Toon     - Toon
TORG     - Torg
ToCt     - Trail of Cthulhu
Tran     - Transformers
Trav-G   - GURPS Traveller
Trav4    - Mark Miller's Traveller (aka Traveller 4)
Trav5    - Traveller 5
T2300    - Traveller 2300/2300 AD
Td20     - Traveller d20
TravC    - Classic Traveller (the Little Black Books)
TNE+     - Traveller: The New Era
Trin     - Trinity
TSdx     - TriStat dx
True20   - True 20 (Blue Rose, etc)
TnT+     - Tunnels and Trolls
T2K+     - Twilight 2000
T2k13    - Twilight 2013

Ubiq     - Ubiquity
Under    - Underground
UnhM     - Unhallowed Metropolis
UnkA     - Unknown Armies
UniS     - UniSystem

VtDA     - Vampire: The Dark Ages
VtM_     - Vampire: the Masquerade (insert edition number)
VtR+     - Vampire: The Requiem
VicV     - Victorian Age Vampire
VnV+     - Villains and Vigilantes
Void     - Void Trek 3007 AD

WH40K    - WarHammer 40K
WHFB     - WarHammer Fantasy Battle
WFRP     - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying
WarM     - Warmaster
WstW     - WasteWorld
WotG     - Weapons of the Gods
WtA_     - Werewolf: the Apocalypse (insert edition number)
WtF+     - Werewolf: the Forsaken
SWWE     - West End Games Star Wars
WoT+     - Wheel of Time
Wind     - The Window
CJCW     - CJ Carella's WitchCraft
OWoD_    - World of Darkness (_ edition number)
WoW+     - World of Warcraft RPG
WBey     - Worlds Beyond
WtO_     - Wraith: the Oblivion (insert edition number)
Wushu    - Wushu

XCra     - XCrawl
Xeno     - Xenoforce
XroD     - Xro Dinn Chronicles

YotP     - Year of the Pheonix


Last updated: 12:19, Sun 30 Oct 2011.
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