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22:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The RPoL Die Roller

Enter in the number of dice you want to roll and the number of sides each die has. Any modifier to the roll is added to the result, not to individual dice.

Step 1: Choose the Dice
Select dice and modifiers


Manually enter dice
Step 2: Roll Options (optional)
Drop or keep: dice


Re-roll Ones


Other options
Step 3: Game System or Special Dice (optional)
System / Special Dice


(any system requirements)

Step 4: Special Settings (optional)
Other roll options


Add a log memo
Step 5: Throw Them Bones
[ Example Screen Only -- Only Players May Roll Dice -- Example Screen Only ]

Refresh the dice log

23:46, Mon 11 July 2022: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 31 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft.

05:57, Mon 13 June 2022: Vogh Kath rolled 28 using 1d20+13.  perception check.

04:42, Mon 13 June 2022: Vogh Kath rolled 21 using 1d20+13.  perception check.

15:50, Tue 03 May 2022: Hsang Li Tsung rolled 23,20 using 1d20+13,1d20+15.  Perception Find Traps & Disable Device.

00:57, Tue 26 Apr 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 36 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance and Detect Magic.

11:24, Wed 30 Mar 2022: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 26 using 1d20+15.  Knowledge Nature.

05:33, Tue 29 Mar 2022: Vogh Kath rolled 24 using 1d20+13.  perception check.

04:01, Wed 16 Feb 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 34 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Dungeoneering, with Guidance.

03:59, Wed 16 Feb 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 23 using 1d20+10.  Knowledge: Engineering, with Guidance.

03:59, Wed 16 Feb 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 38 using 1d20+21.  Knowledge: Nature, with Guidance.

03:58, Wed 16 Feb 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 24 using 1d20+22.  Survival, with Guidance.

03:57, Wed 16 Feb 2022: Ozrus Wither rolled 33 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance.

07:29, Fri 07 Jan 2022: Vogh Kath rolled 25 using 1d20+13.

16:14, Tue 28 Dec 2021: Vogh Kath rolled 23,14 using d20+13,d20+13.  perception, knowledge engineering.

19:57, Mon 13 Dec 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 37 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - Winderchill.

13:51, Fri 26 Nov 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 32 using 1d20+21.  Knowledge: Nature, with Guidance.

13:50, Fri 26 Nov 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 27 using 1d20+10.  Knowledge: Engineering, with Guidance.

13:49, Fri 26 Nov 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 25 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance.

22:08, Fri 19 Nov 2021: Kurat rolled 28 using 1d20+13.  Perception.

08:48, Fri 19 Nov 2021: Vogh Kath rolled 17 using 1d20+13.  Perception check .

22:04, Sat 06 Nov 2021: Cassandra Darkwhisper rolled 27 using 1d20+15.

18:13, Sun 31 Oct 2021: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 34 using 1d20+16.  Fortune .

18:13, Sun 31 Oct 2021: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 17 using 1d20+16.  Spellcraft.

02:49, Thu 07 Oct 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 38 using 1d20+18.  Knowledge Check: snake-creature.

19:21, Sun 26 Sept 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 41 using 1d20+22.  Perception.

19:21, Sun 26 Sept 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 22 using 1d20+21.  Knowledge: Nature - poppy field.

03:08, Mon 19 Apr 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 26 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Magic Auras.

03:02, Mon 19 Apr 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 32 using 1d20+21.  Identify magic properties of magic armor, with Guidance.

15:45, Thu 08 Apr 2021: Lucien Soulban rolled 26 using 1d20+7.  Init.

02:12, Fri 26 Mar 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 24 using 3d8+10.  Cast Cure Serious Wounds on self.

04:21, Wed 24 Mar 2021: Kurat rolled 7 using 1d20+6.  Knowledge (Nature) Monster Lore Gargoyle?

19:07, Wed 17 Mar 2021: Vashon the Vigilant rolled 26,12,6,17 using 1d20+14,1d8+5,1d6+2,5d4+5.

06:48, Sat 13 Mar 2021: Kurat rolled 21 using 1d20+13.  Perception.

15:58, Fri 12 Mar 2021: Tyrol Halverschlagen rolled 10,22 using 1d20+6,5d6+5.

03:01, Sat 13 Feb 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 17 using 5d4+5.  Magic Missile Damage.

17:06, Thu 11 Feb 2021: Lucien Soulban rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Perception.

17:05, Thu 11 Feb 2021: Lucien Soulban rolled 16 using 1d20+13.  Arcana roll.

23:57, Sat 06 Feb 2021: Vashon the Vigilant rolled 20,13,5,16 using 1d20+9,1d8+5,1d6+2,5d4+5.

23:56, Sat 06 Feb 2021: Vashon the Vigilant rolled 19,11,8,16 using 1d20+14,1d8+5,1d6+2,5d4+5.  gun attack + arcane strike + corrosive ammo.

14:17, Wed 03 Feb 2021: Kurat rolled 20 using 1d20+18.  know(arcana).

03:47, Wed 03 Feb 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 22 using 5d4+5.  Magic Missile Damage.

19:32, Sun 31 Jan 2021: GM StarMaster rolled 19,19 using 1d20+6,2d8+9.  Guardian spike volley.

05:03, Wed 27 Jan 2021: Tyrol Halverschlagen rolled 20,21 using 1d20+6,5d6+5.

20:01, Sat 23 Jan 2021: Ozrus Wither rolled 15 using 5d4+5 with rolls of 3,3,1,1,2.  Magic Missile Damage.

07:21, Sat 19 Dec 2020: Cassandra Darkwhisper rolled 34 using 1d20+14.  Perception look for traps.

07:30, Thu 17 Dec 2020: Vogh Kath rolled 31 using 1d20+13.  Perception check .

03:52, Wed 16 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 35 using 1d20+16.  Mad Monkey Steal/Disarm attempt.

06:11, Tue 15 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 29 using 1d20+18.  Knowledge Check: Armor Creature.

05:52, Tue 15 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 22 using 2d8+9.

05:48, Tue 15 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 20 using 1d20+6.

05:21, Tue 15 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 17 using 1d20-2.

02:55, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 23 using 1d20+6.  Initiative.

02:54, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 30 using 1d20+10.  DC 16 Reflex Save vs spikes.

19:18, Wed 09 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 21 using 2d8+9.

19:14, Wed 09 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 18 using 1d20+6.

19:14, Wed 09 Dec 2020: GM StarMaster rolled 26 using 1d20+6.

20:56, Tue 01 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 29 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance - corpse/armor experiments.

20:56, Tue 01 Dec 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 39 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance - corpse/armor experiments.

04:12, Mon 30 Nov 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 38 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - Auras.

04:11, Mon 30 Nov 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 25 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Auras.

04:06, Thu 12 Nov 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 35 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance - crypt magic.

22:01, Wed 11 Nov 2020: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 28 using 1d20+19.  Fortune.

22:00, Wed 11 Nov 2020: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 23 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge Arcane Meta Tox .

10:00, Wed 11 Nov 2020: Vogh Kath rolled 15 using 1d20+13.  knowledge check.

01:13, Sat 31 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 38 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - wardings.

01:13, Sat 31 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 34 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Magic Auras.

18:48, Wed 21 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 27 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance and Detect Magic - Petrification?

02:49, Wed 21 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 30 using 1d20+22.  Perception, with Guidance - grave-area.

02:40, Sun 18 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 20 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - try translating Celestial again.

03:49, Sat 17 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 42 using 2d20+15.  Intimidate w/ Fortune.

18:51, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 29 using 1d20+23.  Name.

18:49, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 24 using 1d20+23.  Snake-Bodied Red-Scaled Humanoids.

18:48, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 37 using 1d20+23.  Black Flame-Hair Humanoids.

18:48, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 24 using 1d20+23.  Reddish-Orange Winged Humanoids.

18:48, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Aniyu rolled 33 using 1d20+23.  Hellhounds.

02:30, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 27 using 1d20+10.  Knowledge: Geography, with Guidance - Spire of the Moon.

02:30, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 38 using 1d20+21.  Knowledge: Nature, with Guidance - Purple Flame.

02:29, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 31 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Purple Flame.

02:28, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 37 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Mysterion.

01:36, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Vashon the Vigilant rolled 18 using 1d20+4.

02:52, Sun 11 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 23 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - check 4.

02:52, Sun 11 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 35 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - check 3.

02:52, Sun 11 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 33 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - check 2.

02:52, Sun 11 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 22 using 1d20+19.  Spellcraft, with Guidance - check 1.

13:36, Sat 10 Oct 2020: Ki'nae Bashemath rolled 34 using 1d20+20.  Perception for books.

19:20, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 23 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Goblinygook Ring.

19:19, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 37 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Gnomish Hat.

19:19, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 24 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Celestial Shield.

19:18, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 37 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Draconic Armor.

19:17, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 33 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Aklor Staff.

19:11, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 15 using 1d20+10.  Knowledge: Geography, with Guidance - Field of Dreams.

19:10, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 26 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Planes, with Guidance - Field of Dreams.

19:10, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 24 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Field of Dreams.

19:09, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 15 using 1d20+10.  Knowledge: History, with Guidance - Thendara Winterhawk.

19:09, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 21 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Local, with Guidance - Thendara Winterhawk.

19:09, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 31 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Thendara Winterhawk.

19:08, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 32 using 1d20+21.  Knowledge: Nature, with Guidance - Blue Ice.

19:07, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 33 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Blue Ice.

19:06, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 36 using 1d20+19.  Knowledge: Arcana, with Guidance - Winterchill.

16:02, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Tyrol Halverschlagen rolled 19,16,30,27 using 1d20+15,1d20+15,1d20+15,1d20+15.

02:59, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 39 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics - translate Druidic.

22:52, Wed 07 Oct 2020: Ki'nae Bashemath rolled 34,4 using d20+20,d20+2.  Perception to assess pictures, Linguistics roll to aid another (Ozrus).

19:29, Wed 07 Oct 2020: Ozrus Wither rolled 36 using 1d20+19.  Linguistics, with Guidance - Identify languages.

14:46, Wed 07 Oct 2020: Tyrol Halverschlagen rolled 34,27,32 using 1d20+15,1d20+18,1d20+18.

07:13, Tue 06 Oct 2020: Vogh Kath rolled 28 using 1d20+13.  Oracle knowledge check.

19:18, Mon 05 Oct 2020: Chess ala'riina Nasadra rolled 33 using 1d20+19.  Esmeralda .

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