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12:07, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The RPoL Die Roller

Enter in the number of dice you want to roll and the number of sides each die has. Any modifier to the roll is added to the result, not to individual dice.

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Step 2: Roll Options (optional)
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[ Example Screen Only -- Only Players May Roll Dice -- Example Screen Only ]

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13:01, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.

13:01, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.

13:01, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.

13:01, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 2 using 1d8 with rolls of 2.

12:54, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 14 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,2,6,5.

12:54, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 14 using 4d6 with rolls of 3,4,2,5.

12:54, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 17 using 4d6 with rolls of 2,4,5,6.

12:54, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 10 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,2,2,5.

12:54, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 13 using 4d6 with rolls of 2,5,4,2.

12:53, Thu 31 Jan 2019: Boldran rolled 17 using 4d6 with rolls of 5,6,1,5.

08:33, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 15 using 4d6 with rolls of 5,3,3,4.

08:33, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 13 using 4d6 with rolls of 1,3,5,4.

08:33, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 14 using 4d6 with rolls of 3,2,4,5.

08:33, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 17 using 4d6 with rolls of 6,1,4,6.

08:32, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 14 using 4d6 with rolls of 4,3,6,1.

08:32, Mon 09 Oct 2017: Boldran rolled 12 using 4d6 with rolls of 6,1,3,2.

12:22, Fri 30 Oct 2015: Thordin rolled 2,14 using 1d4,4d6 with rolls of 2,6,4,3,1.  dmg hail (wat, nur 1d4?!?), fireball.

20:39, Thu 01 Oct 2015: Thordin rolled 16 using 1d20-1 with rolls of 17.  perform.

16:48, Wed 30 Sept 2015: Loremaster rolled 17 using 1d20 with rolls of 17.  gilthas ini.

14:38, Mon 07 Sept 2015: Thordin rolled 17 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 12.  Ini.

05:59, Mon 07 Sept 2015: Loremaster rolled 18,5,6 using 1d20,1d20,1d20 with rolls of 18,5,6.  Spots.

08:52, Fri 04 Sept 2015: Thordin rolled 3,1 using d20,d20-1 with rolls of 3,2.  Spot, Listen.

08:51, Fri 04 Sept 2015: Thordin rolled 16,13 using d20,d20-1 with rolls of 16,14.  Spot, Listen.

13:25, Thu 03 Sept 2015: Boldran rolled 7 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 2.  initiative.

13:24, Thu 03 Sept 2015: Boldran rolled 18 using 1d20 with rolls of 18.  listen.

13:24, Thu 03 Sept 2015: Boldran rolled 9 using 1d20 with rolls of 9.  spot.

19:19, Tue 21 July 2015: Loremaster rolled 21 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 13. Gilthas Riechen.

19:22, Sat 18 July 2015: Gilthas rolled 28,6,12 using 1d20+8,1d20,1d20+8 with rolls of 20,6,4. Schleichen, hoeren und sehen.

20:09, Fri 03 July 2015: Gilthas rolled 9 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 1. Suchen.

19:44, Thu 21 May 2015: Gilthas rolled 24,23 using 1d20+21,1d20+14 with rolls of 3,9. Sprung und Rolle.

11:51, Wed 20 May 2015: Thordin rolled 16 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 11. Ini.

21:04, Tue 19 May 2015: Gilthas rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10. Initiative.

18:18, Tue 19 May 2015: Boldran rolled 22 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 17. ini.

09:30, Sun 17 May 2015: Loremaster rolled 15,11 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 15,11. throw kognoskula, catch gilthas.

15:41, Sun 10 May 2015: Gilthas rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15. Am Seil hinauf klettern.

21:15, Wed 22 Apr 2015: Gilthas rolled 21 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 13. Durchgang absuchen.

22:19, Mon 20 Apr 2015: Loremaster rolled 14 using 1d20 with rolls of 14. thordin spot.

07:25, Thu 16 Apr 2015: Loremaster rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7. check gilthas.

20:15, Sun 05 Apr 2015: Loremaster rolled 4 using 1d20 with rolls of 4. check 2.

20:14, Sun 05 Apr 2015: Loremaster, on behalf of Gilthas, rolled 9 using 1d20 with rolls of 9. 1d20, 1d20.

10:11, Sun 01 Feb 2015: Loremaster rolled 23 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 11. Grab Thordin touch ac 12.

20:13, Mon 26 Jan 2015: Kognoskula rolled 15,2 using 1d20+8,1d6 with rolls of 7,2. Disrupt vs Blut.

11:32, Mon 26 Jan 2015: Thordin rolled 15 using 1d20+13 with rolls of 2. Concentration.

11:13, Mon 26 Jan 2015: Thordin rolled 17 using 4d4+4 with rolls of 4,2,3,4. MM.

11:12, Sun 25 Jan 2015: Loremaster rolled 10,4 using 1d20+8,1d6 with rolls of 2,4. Kognosula disrupt vs Blut-Ding.

11:06, Sun 25 Jan 2015: Loremaster rolled 21,6 using 1d20+7,1d8+2 with rolls of 14,4. Thordin vs Blutlache.

11:03, Sun 25 Jan 2015: Loremaster rolled 7,6 using 1d20,2d4 with rolls of 7,3,3. Gilthas ready Weihwasser.

00:44, Tue 20 Jan 2015: Thordin rolled 6 using 1d20 with rolls of 6. Guck nochmal!

22:36, Mon 19 Jan 2015: Kognoskula rolled 12,19 using 1d20+5,1d20+3 with rolls of 7,16. Ini B, K.

16:59, Sun 18 Jan 2015: Dimble rolled 18,12,23 using d20-1,d20+4,d20+3 with rolls of 19,8,20. Spot, Listen. Ini.

15:40, Fri 16 Jan 2015: Thordin rolled 2,12,20 using d20,d20-1,d20+5 with rolls of 2,13,15. guck, lausch, los!

15:23, Fri 16 Jan 2015: Gilthas rolled 15,18,1 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20 with rolls of 7,10,1. Initiative, gucken und lauschen.

14:46, Fri 09 Jan 2015: Dimble rolled 40 using 1d20+23 with rolls of 17. Diplomacy Check (APs für alle).

21:08, Thu 01 Jan 2015: Gilthas rolled 13 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 5. Geheimtuer suchen.

16:35, Sun 28 Dec 2014: Gilthas rolled 2,12 using 1d20,1d20+8 with rolls of 2,4. Listen and Spot.

00:28, Fri 19 Dec 2014: Loremaster rolled 12,8,8 using 1d20,1d20,1d20 with rolls of 12,8,8. Thordin treppab.

12:52, Wed 17 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 5 using 1d6 with rolls of 5. Hitpoints Level 8.

17:58, Mon 15 Dec 2014: Thordin rolled 20 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 3. Spellcraft Amulett.

12:40, Fri 12 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 27 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 16. Bardic Knowledge. Was waren die Wächter für Wesen? .

12:27, Fri 12 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 21 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 13. UMD to activate wand.

12:27, Fri 12 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10. UMD to activate wand.

12:27, Fri 12 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 10 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 2. UMD to activate wand.

12:27, Fri 12 Dec 2014: Dimble rolled 16 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 8. UMD to activate wand.

22:14, Thu 11 Dec 2014: Thordin rolled 33 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 16. Spellcraft.

10:20, Sat 29 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 13 using 1d20 with rolls of 13. listen.

20:30, Thu 27 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 18 using 1d20-1 with rolls of 19. int check.

21:57, Sun 23 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 17,26 using 1d20,1d20+8 with rolls of 17,18. Listen and Spot.

09:59, Sun 23 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 6,9 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 6,9. listen, spot thordin.

21:32, Wed 19 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 18 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 10. Wagen durchsuchen.

19:53, Tue 18 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 25 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 20. Move Silently.

17:43, Tue 18 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 3,12,12,13,3,2,3 using 1d3,1d20,1d20,1d20,1d4,1d4,1d3 with rolls of 3,12,12,13,3,2,3. pferd vs x/g/t.

13:16, Tue 18 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5. CLW auf Gilthas.

11:46, Tue 18 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 23,5 using 1d20+14,1d4+4 with rolls of 9,1. Att&Dmg incl Song, Haste, -2str, flanking.

23:47, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 16,17,15 using d20+11,4d6,d20 with rolls of 5,6,6,1,4,15. clap o thunder atk (incl. haste, courage, flanking), dmg, fort save.

22:04, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 11 using 1d8+7 with rolls of 4. schaden 2.

22:04, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 8 using 1d8+7 with rolls of 1. schaden 1.

22:03, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 28 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 16. attack 2.

22:03, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 20 using 1d20+17 with rolls of 3. attack 1.

21:26, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,3. sacred dmg.

21:18, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 15,19,15,3,2,1 using 1d20,1d20,1d20,1d4,1d4,1d3 with rolls of 15,19,15,3,2,1. atk vs .

21:12, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 12,1,4,5 using 1d20,1d20,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 12,1,4,5. atk s.

21:11, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 14,2,17,3,3,4 using 1d20,1d20,1d20,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 14,2,17,3,3,4. atk x.

20:52, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 12,8 using 1d20,1d8 with rolls of 12,8. crit.

20:52, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 19,6,18,10,7,4,2,2 using 1d20,1d20,1d20,1d20,1d8,1d4,1d4,1d3 with rolls of 19,6,18,10,7,4,2,2. rider vs T.

20:48, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7. x crit fail.

20:46, Mon 17 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 1,2 using 1d20,1d8 with rolls of 1,2. X atk.

12:46, Sun 16 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 1,24,5 using d20-1,d20+4,d8+1 with rolls of 2,20,4. Spot, Listen, CLW mit Wand auf Xiara.

11:23, Sun 16 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 15,31 using d20+13,d20+17 with rolls of 2,14. arcana, spellcraft.

11:19, Sun 16 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 19,10 using d20+9,4d6 with rolls of 10,5,2,2,1. clap o thunder atk (incl. haste, courage, ohne flanking), dmg, fort save.

17:33, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 8 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 4. Damage incl courage.

17:33, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 34 using 1d100 with rolls of 34. Miss on 1-20.

17:33, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 31 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 17. Attack incl -2str, courage, haste, flanking.

13:58, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 24,5 using 1d20+14,1d4+4 with rolls of 10,1. Aoo Gilthas.

13:57, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 18,18,1,17,4,3,2,3 using 1d20,1d20,1d20,1d20,1d4,1d4,1d3,1d8 with rolls of 18,18,1,17,4,3,2,3. Reiter vs Xiara.

13:51, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 16,1 using 1d20,1d8 with rolls of 16,1. K, holy water.

13:48, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 12 using 2d8 with rolls of 7,5. x healing belt 2 charges.

12:55, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 5 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 4. CLW mit Wand auf Xiara.

12:21, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 5 using 1d4+4 with rolls of 1. Damage incl courage.

12:21, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 33 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 19. Attack incl -2str, courage, haste, flanking.

10:41, Sat 15 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 10,20,16 using d20+6,6d6,d20 with rolls of 4,3,3,6,1,5,2,16. clap o. thunder+mountain hammer atk, dmg, save.

19:19, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 13 using 1d8+5 with rolls of 8. damage 2.

19:19, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 14 using 1d20+12 with rolls of 2. attack 2.

19:19, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 15 using 1d8+13 with rolls of 2. damage 1.

19:18, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 35 using 1d20+20 with rolls of 15. smite evil.

18:44, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 3,4 using 1d20,1d6 with rolls of 3,4. K atk, dmg disrupt undead.

18:36, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 4,4,13,2 using 1d20,1d8,1d20,1d8 with rolls of 4,4,13,2. atk xiara, stalker.

18:25, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 19,3 using 1d20,1d10 with rolls of 19,3. crit.

18:24, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 20,12,6,8 using 1d20,1d20,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 20,12,6,8. atks, dmg.

18:19, Fri 14 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 19 using 1d20 with rolls of 19. fast dismount.

22:07, Thu 13 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 7 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 6. Cure light wounds.

20:39, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 6 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 5. CLW mit Wand auf Xiara.

19:35, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 8,3 using 1d20,1d8 with rolls of 8,3. atk Reiter2 vs Boldran.

11:41, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 13 using 1d20 with rolls of 13. Spot.

11:38, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 13 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 4. Jump mit Hast.

08:03, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 15,6 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 15,6. K hide vs F spot.

08:01, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 11,19 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 11,19. K hide vs F spot.

07:34, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 5,8,6,7,6 using 2d6,2d6,2d6,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,4,6,2,5,1,7,6. atk xxxss.

07:32, Wed 12 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 17,3,11,6,1 using 1d20,1d20,1d20,1d20,1d20 with rolls of 17,3,11,6,1. atk, xxxss.

19:32, Tue 11 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 5,8,8,5 using 1d4+4,1d4+4,1d4+4,1d4+4 with rolls of 1,4,4,1. Attack incl -2str, courage; 3rd incl +1 cold.

19:30, Tue 11 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 23,24,15,22 using 1d20+10,1d20+10,1d20+10,1d20+5 with rolls of 13,14,5,17. Full Attack incl Song, Haste, -2str.

19:11, Tue 11 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 2 using 1d20 with rolls of 2. Schwertleiche vs Öl auf Schwertgriff.

13:57, Tue 11 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 13,11 using d20+10,d8+5 with rolls of 3,6. AOO: Atk, Dmg mit Courage, Hast.

09:28, Tue 11 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 20,9 using 1d20+12,1d4+5 with rolls of 8,4. Att&Dmg incl Song, Haste, -2str and +1 cold dmg.

23:00, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 12 using 1d8+7 with rolls of 5. schaden.

23:00, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 25 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 9. aoo attacke.

22:58, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 10 using 1d8+7 with rolls of 3. schaden 2.

22:58, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 10 using 1d8+7 with rolls of 3. schaden.

22:57, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 23 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 12. attacke 2.

22:57, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 34 using 1d20+16 with rolls of 18. attack 1.

22:15, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 6,14,15 using 1d20,1d20,4d6 with rolls of 6,14,4,2,5,4. Save X, S, dmg.

21:46, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 12,13,8 using 1d20,1d20,1d8 with rolls of 12,13,8. rider hopp, atk, dmg.

21:40, Mon 10 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 2,5,14,1,1,1,3 using 1d20,1d6,1d20,1d20,1d8,1d20,1d8 with rolls of 2,5,14,1,1,1,3. xiara atk, dmg, handle, stalker atks.

14:40, Sun 09 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 17,39 using 1d20+14,1d20+21 with rolls of 3,18. Tumble und Jump.

13:53, Sun 09 Nov 2014: Kognoskula rolled 18 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 14. Fahrer vs Illusion DC19.

13:53, Sun 09 Nov 2014: Kognoskula rolled 21,11 using 1d20+4,1d20+4 with rolls of 17,7. Schwertleichen vs Illusion DC 19.

20:32, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 9 using 1d8+5 with rolls of 4. damage 1.

20:32, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 14 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 5. attacke 2.

20:32, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 30 using 1d20+14 with rolls of 16. attacke 1.

17:08, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Kognoskula rolled 25,34 using 1d20+8,1d20+20 with rolls of 17,14. Knowledge Religion, Arcana.

17:04, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 19 using 4d6 with rolls of 5,5,6,3. Trample dmg.

17:03, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Loremaster rolled 22,20 using 1d20+12,1d20+11 with rolls of 10,9. Reflex Xiara, Stalker.

16:43, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 27 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 18. Reflex save.

16:13, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Gilthas rolled 12 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 2. Reflexrettungswurf.

15:11, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 10 using 1d8+5 with rolls of 5. damage 2.

15:11, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 11 using 1d8+5 with rolls of 6. damage.

15:11, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 20 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 15. attack 2 vs fahrer, malus eingerechnet.

15:11, Sat 08 Nov 2014: Boldran rolled 18 using 1d20+10 with rolls of 8. attack 1 vs fahrer, mali eingerechnet.

15:06, Wed 05 Nov 2014: Dimble rolled 4,13,20 using 1d20-1,1d20+4,1d20+3 with rolls of 5,9,17. Spot, listen, initiative.

18:28, Tue 04 Nov 2014: Kognoskula rolled 3,6,21 using 1d20,1d20,1d20+3 with rolls of 3,6,18.

00:14, Sat 01 Nov 2014: Thordin rolled 1,13,11 using d20+0,d20-1,d20+5 with rolls of 1,14,6. Spotten, Listen, Initiieren.

18:07, Fri 31 Oct 2014: Gilthas rolled 11,5,16 using 1d20+9,1d20,1d20+8 with rolls of 2,5,8. Spot, listen, initiative.

15:19, Fri 31 Oct 2014: Boldran rolled 10 using 1d20 with rolls of 10. spot.

15:19, Fri 31 Oct 2014: Boldran rolled 18 using 1d20 with rolls of 18. listen.

15:19, Fri 31 Oct 2014: Boldran rolled 8 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 3. initiative.

22:31, Wed 20 Aug 2014: Thordin rolled 17 using 1d20+15 with rolls of 2. Craft (Stoneworking, nur so...) .

22:29, Wed 20 Aug 2014: Thordin rolled 13 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 8. Search.

19:32, Fri 08 Aug 2014: Gilthas rolled 5 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 2. Diplomatie zum Verhandeln.

20:01, Tue 01 July 2014: Thordin rolled 8 using 1d20 with rolls of 8. Spot.

09:47, Sat 28 June 2014: Loremaster rolled 11,16 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 11,16. lauter Wuerfelei, nenene.

14:26, Thu 26 June 2014: Loremaster rolled 15,20 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 15,20. yT, yG.

10:59, Thu 26 June 2014: Loremaster rolled 10,12 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 10,12. xT, xG.

14:17, Wed 25 June 2014: Gilthas rolled 9 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 6. Sense motive auf den Meister.

07:51, Sun 22 June 2014: Loremaster rolled 11 using 1d20 with rolls of 11. Knowledge + x.

08:08, Sat 07 June 2014: Loremaster rolled 16,5 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 16,5. X,y.

21:43, Fri 06 June 2014: Gilthas rolled 12,16 using 1d20+8,1d20 with rolls of 4,16. Schleichen und lauschen.

20:54, Sun 18 May 2014: Thordin rolled 4 using 1d20 with rolls of 4. Spot (+Int?).

20:41, Wed 14 May 2014: Gilthas rolled 2,26 using 1d20,1d20+8 with rolls of 2,18. Listen and Spot.

21:09, Fri 02 May 2014: Thordin rolled 6 using 1d20 with rolls of 6. spot.

21:08, Fri 02 May 2014: Thordin rolled 17 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 9. k. planes.

17:49, Thu 01 May 2014: Loremaster rolled 1 using 1d20 with rolls of 1. AoO Maika+x.

17:40, Thu 01 May 2014: Loremaster rolled 10,7 using 1d20,2d6 with rolls of 10,1,6. Rabe: reflex+x, crushing dmg.

21:16, Wed 30 Apr 2014: Loremaster rolled 9,16,9 using 1d20+8,1d20+5,1d20 with rolls of 1,11,9. ini G, T, M+x.

20:56, Wed 30 Apr 2014: Loremaster rolled 5,16,5 using 1d20-3,1d20+6,1d20 with rolls of 8,10,5. spot 20ft, Thordin, Gilthas, Maika+x.

08:50, Tue 29 Apr 2014: Thordin rolled 18,15,14,-11 using d20,d20+6,d20+1,d20-13 with rolls of 18,9,13,2. aoo rabe+x vs. AC 17, touch atk, grapple vs. grapple normaler Rabe.

19:25, Mon 28 Apr 2014: Gilthas rolled 22,30 using 1d20+21,1d20+14 with rolls of 1,16. Jump and Tumble for the landing.

19:25, Mon 28 Apr 2014: Gilthas rolled 28,9 using 1d20+8,1d20+2 with rolls of 20,7. Melee touch and trip.

13:43, Mon 28 Apr 2014: Loremaster rolled 14,16 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 14,16. Aoo Rabe+x vs Aoo Maika, AoO Maika+x.

19:04, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Thordin rolled 21,4 using d20+2,d6+1 with rolls of 19,3. Atk mit -4, Nonlethal damage.

18:54, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Gilthas rolled 15,6 using 1d20+10,1d4+4 with rolls of 5,2. Dolch: Angriff und Schaden.

17:51, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Loremaster, for the NPC Rabe, rolled 11,3 using 1d20,1d20+1 with rolls of 11,2. Escape Grapple Rabe +x vs Draco-Thordin .

17:47, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Loremaster, for the NPC Maika, rolled 4,17 using 1d20,1d20 with rolls of 4,17. Join grapple Maika+x vs Rabe+y .

16:48, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Thordin rolled 2,3 using d20+1,d20-13 with rolls of 1,16. grapple vs. grapple normaler Rabe.

16:39, Sun 27 Apr 2014: Gilthas rolled 33,16 using 1d20+21,1d20+6 with rolls of 12,10. High jump and climb.

08:05, Sat 26 Apr 2014: Loremaster rolled 4,7 using 1d20,1d20+1 with rolls of 4,6. Escape Artist +x Rabe vs Draco-Thordin.

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