04:02, Sat 08 Feb: Strong Guy rolled 4,4,7,4,1,1 using d6,d4,d8,d6,d6,d8 with rolls of 4,4,7,4,1,1. Defend from Bishop's energy attack.
08:42, Mon 06 Jan: Bishop rolled 4,4,2,2,8 using 1d8,1d8,1d10,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 4,4,2,2,8. Energy blast vs strong guy.
15:44, Fri 03 Jan: Yellowjacket rolled 5,4,5,12,1 using d8,d8,d10,d12,d8 with rolls of 5,4,5,12,1.
03:03, Fri 03 Jan: Sabretooth rolled 8,5,2,1,2,6,5,2 using d8,d8,d4,d8,d6,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 8,5,2,1,2,6,5,2. Physical attack on Yellowjacket.
02:53, Fri 03 Jan: Sabretooth rolled 6,4,3,1,3,5,1,10 using d8,d8,d4,d8,d6,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 6,4,3,1,3,5,1,10. Physical attack on Yellowjacket.
02:14, Tue 24 Dec 2024: Caliban rolled 1,3,9,5 using d8,d4,d10,d8 with rolls of 1,3,9,5. Physical attack on Hawkeye.
02:05, Tue 24 Dec 2024: Watcher, on behalf of Domino, rolled 7,2,8,10,9 using d8,d4,d12,d10,d10 with rolls of 7,2,8,10,9. Sabretooth defends from Yellowjacket's attempt to create Dizzy Complication.
01:55, Tue 24 Dec 2024: Watcher, on behalf of Domino, rolled 4,2,7,2 using d6,d4,d10,d10 with rolls of 4,2,7,2. Domino defends from Hawkeye's physical attack.
15:16, Sun 01 Dec 2024: Yellowjacket rolled 2,2,7,11,3 using d8,d8,d10,d12,d8 with rolls of 2,2,7,11,3.
09:16, Sat 30 Nov 2024: Hawkeye rolled 10 using 1d10 with rolls of 10. Adding Mystique's Mental Stress die to Hawkeye's roll. .
08:34, Sat 30 Nov 2024: Hawkeye rolled 8,1,1,2,8,8 using 1d10,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 8,1,1,2,8,8. Hawkeye shoots a blunt-tipped arrow at Mystique. .
01:19, Tue 26 Nov 2024: Strong Guy rolled 2,2,7,2 using d6,d4,d8,d6 with rolls of 2,2,7,2. Defend from Bishop's physical attack.
14:54, Thu 19 Sept 2024: Bishop rolled 2,3,7,2 using 1d6,1d4,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 2,3,7,2. energy attack vs Strong Guy.
14:47, Thu 19 Sept 2024: Bishop rolled 5,3,3,6 using 1d6,1d8,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 5,3,3,6. resist physical attack by Strong Guy.
23:03, Sat 10 Aug 2024: Strong Guy rolled 3,8,3,6 using d6,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 3,8,3,6. Strong Guy Physical attack on Bishop.
18:31, Sat 20 July 2024: Doctor Spectrum rolled 3,4,1,8 using d4,d4,d12,d8 with rolls of 3,4,1,8. Dr. Spectrum Reaction.
23:36, Fri 19 July 2024: Shatterstar rolled 3,1,5,7,2 using d6,d4,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 3,1,5,7,2. Physical attack on Doctor Spectrum.
22:48, Sat 08 June 2024: Sabretooth rolled 4 using 1d6 with rolls of 4. Extra Claws & Fangs.
22:45, Sat 08 June 2024: Watcher rolled 2 using 1d2 with rolls of 2. Deciding between Nighthawk or Ms. Marvel who gets the d8 or d6.
22:40, Sat 08 June 2024: Sabretooth rolled 2,2,1,5,2,5,5,4 using d8,d6,d8,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6 with rolls of 2,2,1,5,2,5,5,4. Physical attack on Nighthawk, Ms. Marvel.
22:22, Sat 08 June 2024: Watcher rolled 6,4,5 using d6,d12,d10 with rolls of 6,4,5. Doom Pool reaction to Yellowjacket's attempt to create Asset.
14:48, Mon 20 May 2024: Yellowjacket rolled 7,6,6,5,6 using d8,d8,d10,d6,d10 with rolls of 7,6,6,5,6.
00:52, Mon 20 May 2024: Mystique rolled 5,6,10,4 using d6,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 5,6,10,4. Defend from Hawkeye's mental attack.
20:47, Tue 30 Apr 2024: Hawkeye rolled 5,3,7,6,4,6,5 using 1d10,1d8,1d8,1d8,1d6,1d6,1d10 with rolls of 5,3,7,6,4,6,5. Rolling to threaten Mystique into cooperating (mental stress).
19:40, Tue 30 Apr 2024: Hawkeye rolled 8,8,3,6 using 1d10,1d8,1d6,1d6 with rolls of 8,8,3,6. Reaction to Mystique's mental threat vs. Hawkeye.
02:13, Tue 30 Apr 2024: Watcher, for the NPC Mystique, rolled 4,1,4,3,6,5 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d10,d12 with rolls of 4,1,4,3,6,5. To confuse/threaten Hawkeye.
20:27, Fri 17 Feb 2023: Bishop rolled 3,3,6,6 using 1d8,1d10,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 3,3,6,6. Energy blast at Captain Skull.
04:54, Fri 11 Nov 2022: Watcher rolled 2,3,4,9,10,1,3,8,7,4, 7 using d6,d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d12,d12,d12,d12,d8 with rolls of 2,3,4,9,10,1,3,8,7,4, 7. Doom Pool reaction to Iron Fist's attempt to create Complication.
08:21, Sun 06 Nov 2022: Iron Fist rolled 1,3,1,6,4 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,3,1,6,4. Danny attempts to restrain Black Panther. .
07:53, Wed 02 Nov 2022: Watcher rolled 3,7,9,3,7,8,1,11,7,5 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d12,d12,d12,d10,d8 with rolls of 3,7,9,3,7,8,1,11,7,5. Doom Pool reaction to Yellowjacket's attempt to attack Doom Pool.
17:00, Tue 01 Nov 2022: Yellowjacket rolled 5,7,7,1,2 using d8,d8,d10,d6,d10 with rolls of 5,7,7,1,2. Fire suppression.
00:58, Mon 03 Oct 2022: Ms. Marvel rolled 2,4,4,3 using d8,d10,d4,d8 with rolls of 2,4,4,3.
09:16, Sun 02 Oct 2022: Iron Fist rolled 4,3,3,4,2,2 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d6,1d6,1d6 with rolls of 4,3,3,4,2,2. Reaction to Dr. Spectrum's energy blast attack. .
06:06, Sat 01 Oct 2022: Bishop rolled 4,4,1,8 using 1d8,1d4,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 4,4,1,8. reaction to Doc Spectrum.
12:15, Fri 30 Sept 2022: Venom rolled 1,5,8,10,2 using d6,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 1,5,8,10,2. reaction vs Doctor Spectrum.
08:26, Fri 30 Sept 2022: Doctor Spectrum rolled 1,4,10,5,6,8,3,8,8 using d4,d4,d10,d6,d6,d8,d8,d12,d8 with rolls of 1,4,10,5,6,8,3,8,8. Physical attack on Iron Fist, Ms. Marvel, Yellowjacket, Bishop, Venom.
07:51, Fri 30 Sept 2022: Hyperion rolled 7,5,2,8,4,7,2 using d8,d8,d12,d8,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 7,5,2,8,4,7,2. Defend from Venom's attempt to create Complication.
15:10, Wed 28 Sept 2022: Venom rolled 5,1,4,6,6,2 using d6,d4,d10,d6,d6,d8 with rolls of 5,1,4,6,6,2. venom attempts to restrain hyperion.
22:29, Wed 14 Sept 2022: Crossbones rolled 2,10,1,1,8 using d6,d10,d6,d8,d8 with rolls of 2,10,1,1,8. Defend from Bishop's physical attack.
19:52, Fri 09 Sept 2022: Bishop rolled 7,2,4,6,1 using 1d8,1d8,2d10,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 7,2,2,2,6,1. energy blast at crossbones.
14:24, Fri 09 Sept 2022: Yellowjacket rolled 8,2 using d8,d8 with rolls of 8,2.
06:46, Fri 09 Sept 2022: Spider-Man rolled 4,3,1,8 using d6,d4,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,3,1,8. Spider-Man mental attack on Yellowjacket.
06:24, Fri 02 Sept 2022: Watcher rolled 4,2,2,9,1,4,7 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d12,d10 with rolls of 4,2,2,9,1,4,7. Doom Pool reaction to Yellowjacket doing something to the machine.
06:11, Wed 31 Aug 2022: Watcher rolled 7,6,6,7,1,2 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d12 with rolls of 7,6,6,7,1,2. Doom Pool reaction to Ms. Marvel's attempt to remove Storm Dangling Precariously Asset.
06:14, Tue 30 Aug 2022: Hyperion rolled 1,7,4,2,4 using d8,d8,d12,d8,d8 with rolls of 1,7,4,2,4. Defend from Iron Fist's mental attack.
14:34, Mon 29 Aug 2022: Yellowjacket rolled 7,5,4,10 using d8,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 7,5,4,10.
18:10, Sun 28 Aug 2022: Ms. Marvel rolled 10,9,7,3 using d10,d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 10,9,7,3. Revive Storm attempt.
09:28, Thu 25 Aug 2022: Iron Fist rolled 1,1,5,2,5 using 1d6,1d4,1d6,1d6,1d8 with rolls of 1,1,5,2,5. Danny tries to release Hyperion from possible brainwashing. .
13:29, Wed 17 Aug 2022: Venom rolled 3,7,5,9,5 using d6,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 3,7,5,9,5. vs msg #36.
22:46, Tue 16 Aug 2022: Iron Fist rolled 1,4,3,7,6 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,4,3,7,6. Iron Fist races out of the way as Hyperion hurls wreckage at him. .
08:05, Tue 16 Aug 2022: Hyperion rolled 4,3,12,6,6,2 using d8,d4,d12,d6,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,3,12,6,6,2. Physical attack on Iron Fist, Venom.
03:00, Tue 16 Aug 2022: Storm rolled 1,4,1,3 using d10,d4,d8,d8 with rolls of 1,4,1,3. Reaction.
06:25, Fri 12 Aug 2022: Iron Armor mob rolled 8,2,4,1,3,2,10,11 using d8,d8,d8,d4,d8,d6,d10,d12 with rolls of 8,2,4,1,3,2,10,11. Create Crowded Complication on Storm.
18:45, Fri 05 Aug 2022: Ms. Marvel rolled 8,8,1,5,2 using d10,d10,d6,d8,d8 with rolls of 8,8,1,5,2. Reaction dice pool.
05:40, Fri 05 Aug 2022: Doctor Spectrum rolled 4,3,3,3 using d4,d4,d10,d8 with rolls of 4,3,3,3. Physical attack on Ms. Marvel.
03:52, Fri 05 Aug 2022: Watcher rolled 4,1,3,9,3 using d8,d8,d8,d10,d12 with rolls of 4,1,3,9,3. Doom Pool reaction to Ms. Marvel's attempt to create Asset.
17:11, Mon 25 July 2022: Ms. Marvel rolled 2,6,1,8 using d10,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 2,6,1,8. intangibility asset.
08:35, Thu 21 July 2022: Bishop rolled 6,2,7,8 using 1d8,1d4,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 6,2,7,8. Reaction roll vs Power Princess.
08:21, Thu 21 July 2022: Power Princess rolled 6,3,4,10,2,5 using d6,d4,d8,d10,d10,d6 with rolls of 6,3,4,10,2,5. Physical attack on Bishop.
06:14, Wed 20 July 2022: Watcher rolled 2,4,4,4,2,2,3 using d6,d6,d8,d8,d10,d12,d6 with rolls of 2,4,4,4,2,2,3. Doom Pool reaction to Bishop's attempt to create <i>Energy Battery</i> Asset.
19:13, Tue 19 July 2022: Bishop rolled 6,6,2,7 using 1d10,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 6,6,2,7. create an 'energy battery' asset.
06:26, Tue 19 July 2022: Watcher rolled 6,3,5,8,7 using d6,d6,d8,d12,d12 with rolls of 6,3,5,8,7. Doom Pool reaction to Storm's attempt to create Storm-controlled Cyclone Overhead Asset.
06:17, Tue 19 July 2022: Red Skull rolled 3,2,1,3,2 using d8,d4,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 3,2,1,3,2. Defend from Venom's emotional attack.
14:29, Mon 18 July 2022: Yellowjacket rolled 8,3 using d8,d8 with rolls of 8,3.
01:50, Mon 18 July 2022: Storm rolled 10,4,4,2 using d10,d8,d12,d8 with rolls of 10,4,4,2. Create Asset.
21:37, Sun 17 July 2022: Blur rolled 4,3,9 using d4,d4,d10 with rolls of 4,3,9. Emotional attack (scaring) on Yellowjacket.
23:42, Sat 16 July 2022: Venom rolled 6,2,1,2 using d10,d8,d6,d8 with rolls of 6,2,1,2. Attempting mental stress on ze Crimson Captain.
07:52, Thu 14 July 2022: Nighthawk rolled 2,3,8,1,4 using d4,d8,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 2,3,8,1,4. Defend from Yellowjacket's physical attack.
07:38, Thu 14 July 2022: Iron Armor mob rolled 7,4,6,4,3,7,9 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 7,4,6,4,3,7,9. Defend from Iron Fist's physical attack.
15:40, Wed 13 July 2022: Yellowjacket rolled 5,2,7,9,1 using d8,d8,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 5,2,7,9,1. Attack Nighthawk.
09:57, Wed 13 July 2022: Iron Fist rolled 3,4,3,3,4,5 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 3,4,3,3,4,5. Danny attacks the Iron Mob head-on. .
03:54, Fri 13 May 2022: Watcher rolled 3,8 using d6,d10 with rolls of 3,8. Doom Pool reaction to Venom's attempt to create Asset.
03:54, Fri 13 May 2022: Watcher rolled 4,2 using d6,d10 with rolls of 4,2. Doom Pool reaction to Venom's attempt to create Asset.
03:50, Fri 13 May 2022: Watcher rolled 4,8 using d6,d10 with rolls of 4,8. Doom Pool reaction to Ms. Marvel's attempt to create Asset.
02:21, Sun 01 May 2022: Venom rolled 10,5,7,1,6 using d10,d8,d10,d6,d8 with rolls of 10,5,7,1,6. Venom Web Support Asset.
19:10, Mon 25 Apr 2022: Ms. Marvel rolled 4,3,4,2 using d10,d10,d8,d4 with rolls of 4,3,4,2. intangibility asset.
02:53, Sat 09 Apr 2022: Taskmaster rolled 6,2,7,2 using d8,d4,d8,d10 with rolls of 6,2,7,2. Defend from Iron Fist's Emotional attack.
05:47, Sat 26 Mar 2022: Iron Fist rolled 1,5,3,4,8 using 1d8,1d8,1d6,1d6,1d10 with rolls of 1,5,3,4,8. Talking smack to Taskmaster. .
04:12, Sat 19 Feb 2022: Taskmaster rolled 8,2,4,6,7 using d8,d4,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 8,2,4,6,7. Attempt to create Escaping Unnecessary Fight Complication on Iron Fist.
04:04, Sat 19 Feb 2022: Taskmaster rolled 8,2,3,4,1 using d8,d4,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 8,2,3,4,1. Defend from Iron Fist's attempt to create Complication.
05:11, Sat 05 Feb 2022: Iron Fist rolled 4,3,8,6,3 using 1d10,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 4,3,8,6,3. Danny taking a swipe at Taskmaster. .
08:34, Wed 18 Aug 2021: Kang rolled 4,2,2,3,2 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d12 with rolls of 4,2,2,3,2. Defend from Iron Fist's mental attack.
05:15, Mon 05 July 2021: Iron Fist rolled 1,2,7,5,6,11 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d12,1d12 with rolls of 1,2,7,5,6,11. Iron Fist trying his hand at a Jedi mind trick, to make Kang consider releasing the group.
18:45, Mon 14 June 2021: Venom rolled 1,2,7 using d6,d4,d8 with rolls of 1,2,7. msg #536.
21:28, Sun 06 June 2021: Kang rolled 10,3,10,8 using d10,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 10,3,10,8. Mental attack on Shang-Chi, Venom, Taskmaster, Storm, Machine Man.
08:47, Wed 26 May 2021: Kang rolled 9,5,8,5,8,5 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 9,5,8,5,8,5. Defend from Spider-Man's mental attack.
16:19, Tue 11 May 2021: Spider-Man rolled 3,7,1,8 using d6,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 3,7,1,8. Plea to Kang mental attack.
09:04, Tue 11 May 2021: Kang rolled 9,6,1,6,2 using d10,d8,d10,d6,d6 with rolls of 9,6,1,6,2. Defend from Bishop's mental attack.
08:58, Tue 11 May 2021: Kang rolled 9,1,7,8,5 using d10,d4,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 9,1,7,8,5. Defend from Wasp's mental attack.
08:54, Tue 11 May 2021: Kang rolled 5,2,6,2 using d10,d4,d10,d4 with rolls of 5,2,6,2. Defend from Wolfsbane's mental attack.
08:50, Tue 11 May 2021: Kang rolled 1,1,4,8,3,5 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d12,d8 with rolls of 1,1,4,8,3,5. Defend from Yellowjacket's mental attack.
08:44, Tue 11 May 2021: Kang rolled 1,4,6,3,10,6 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 1,4,6,3,10,6. Defend from She-Hulk's mental attack.
19:03, Sun 09 May 2021: Bishop rolled 3,7,9 using 1d8,1d8,1d10 with rolls of 3,7,9. Intimidate Kang.
18:52, Sun 09 May 2021: Bishop rolled 5,6,10 using 1d8,1d8,1d10 with rolls of 5,6,10. Intimidate Kang.
22:01, Sat 08 May 2021: Wasp rolled 10,2,6,1 using d10,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 10,2,6,1.
08:32, Sat 08 May 2021: Wolfsbane rolled 5,6,6 using d6,d8,d10 with rolls of 5,6,6.
08:31, Sat 08 May 2021: Wolfsbane rolled 1,2,1 using d6,d8,d10 with rolls of 1,2,1.
16:22, Thu 06 May 2021: Yellowjacket rolled 3,5,9,9 using d8,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 3,5,9,9. Science the $@#!%! out of Kang.
07:51, Thu 06 May 2021: She-Hulk rolled 10,5,2,5 using 1d10,1d8,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 10,5,2,5. Impose Mental Stress on Kang.
07:41, Thu 15 Apr 2021: Kang rolled 5,5,3,2,6 using d10,d8,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 5,5,3,2,6. Defend from She-Hulk's mental attack.
16:11, Fri 09 Apr 2021: She-Hulk rolled 9,4,9,7 using 1d10,1d4,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 9,4,9,7. Impose an Emotional Complication on Kang.
08:51, Wed 07 Apr 2021: Watcher rolled 4,3,6,4,2,3,6,4,6,7 using d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d8,d10,d10,d10 with rolls of 4,3,6,4,2,3,6,4,6,7. Doom Pool reaction to Wasp's attempt to create Asset.
15:13, Mon 05 Apr 2021: Wasp rolled 2,2,10,12 using d10,d8,2d10,d12 with rolls of 2,2,3,7,12. Attempting to gain insight on Kang.
08:53, Fri 02 Apr 2021: Kang rolled 4,2,5,3,6,3,4 using d10,d4,d6,d6,d6,d12,d10 with rolls of 4,2,5,3,6,3,4. Defend from Iron Fist's mental attack.
17:11, Thu 01 Apr 2021: Iron Fist rolled 1,5,5,4 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,5,5,4. Emotional attack on Kang to get him to share his info.
19:51, Thu 25 Feb 2021: Venom rolled 5,4,9,3 using 1d6,1d4,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 5,4,9,3. vs msg #483.
00:51, Mon 22 Feb 2021: Machine Man rolled 3,8,1 using d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 3,8,1. To Keep His Head (Resist Physical Stress).
21:30, Tue 09 Feb 2021: Storm rolled 6,6,2,7 using d10,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 6,6,2,7. Reaction.
08:00, Sat 06 Feb 2021: Spider-Man rolled 3,5,4,7,8 using d6,d8,d10,d8,d10 with rolls of 3,5,4,7,8. Reaction to Chronaltomatons' physical attack.
09:41, Wed 03 Feb 2021: Chronaltomatons rolled 1,7,6,6,3,5,7,8,3,6, 8,7,1,7,1,1,5,6,4,1 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d6,d6,d6,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 1,7,6,6,3,5,7,8,3,6, 8,7,1,7,1,1,5,6,4,1. Physical attack on Spider-Man, Storm, Venom, Machine Man.
08:19, Wed 03 Feb 2021: Chronaltomatons rolled 4,3,5,7,7,4,8,5,5,8, 3,7,8,10,4,4 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,3,5,7,7,4,8,5,5,8, 3,7,8,10,4,4. Defend from Spider-Man's physical attack.
07:23, Sat 30 Jan 2021: Spider-Man rolled 4,2,8,5,3,6 using d6,d8,d10,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,2,8,5,3,6. Attack on Chronaltomaton.
09:17, Mon 25 Jan 2021: Moloid Mob rolled 4,3,2,3,1,4,3,1,2,2, 2,2,2,1,6,5,6 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,3,2,3,1,4,3,1,2,2, 2,2,2,1,6,5,6. Defend from Storm's physical attack, part 2.
09:14, Mon 25 Jan 2021: Chronaltomatons rolled 1,6,5,4,7,4,6,7,7,6, 9,6 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 1,6,5,4,7,4,6,7,7,6, 9,6. Defend from Storm's physical attack, part 1.
02:37, Sun 10 Jan 2021: Storm rolled 8 using 3d6 with rolls of 4,1,3. Area Attack (Last 3d6).
02:36, Sun 10 Jan 2021: Storm rolled 77 using 20d6 with rolls of 4,2,6,1,4,4,4,3,6,5, 3,5,2,4,6,6,2,2,3,5. Area Attack (first 20 d6).
02:36, Sun 10 Jan 2021: Storm rolled 6,6,1,9,2 using d10,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 6,6,1,9,2. Area Attack (d10s and d8s).
09:41, Thu 24 Dec 2020: Chronaltomatons rolled 1,8,2,3,4,4,6,4,5,5, 7,11,6 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 1,8,2,3,4,4,6,4,5,5, 7,11,6. Defend from Yellowjacket's physical attack.
15:21, Wed 23 Dec 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 1,1,8,6,6,8 using d8,d4,d10,d10,d8,d12 with rolls of 1,1,8,6,6,8. Attack on Chronaltomatons.
10:16, Tue 15 Dec 2020: Watcher rolled 4,3,2,1,4,4,6,1,7,9, 6,2,9,9,2,3 using d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d12 with rolls of 4,3,2,1,4,4,6,1,7,9, 6,2,9,9,2,3. Doom Pool reaction to Venom's attempt to affect Scene Complication.
16:37, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Venom rolled 6 using 1d6 with rolls of 6. missed sfx added dice from previous roll.
16:28, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Venom rolled 9,1,6,3,4,6 using d10,d4,d10,d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 9,1,6,3,4,6. venom starting to crack.
11:52, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Watcher rolled 6,4,6,3,2,8,5,6,3,7, 2,3,5,2,4 using d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d12 with rolls of 6,4,6,3,2,8,5,6,3,7, 2,3,5,2,4. Doom Pool reaction to Machine Man's attempt to recover Stress.
00:03, Fri 11 Dec 2020: Machine Man rolled 5,5,5,1,3 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 5,5,5,1,3. Recover Physical Stress.
14:44, Tue 01 Dec 2020: Spider-Man rolled 1,3,2,3,10 using d6,d4,d10,d8,d10 with rolls of 1,3,2,3,10. Reaction to Chronaltomatons' attack.
20:53, Mon 30 Nov 2020: Storm rolled 7,3,5,4 using d10,d4,d8,d8 with rolls of 7,3,5,4. Reaction.
08:57, Thu 26 Nov 2020: Iron Fist rolled 1,2,2,1,12 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d12,1d12 with rolls of 1,2,2,1,12. Iron Fist attempting to evade the beams and (possibly) counterattack. .
05:01, Thu 26 Nov 2020: Machine Man rolled 5,8,3,8 using d8,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 5,8,3,8. Withstand alien energy salvo.
21:19, Wed 25 Nov 2020: Venom rolled 1,3,7,9,8 using d6,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 1,3,7,9,8. vs msg #456.
19:08, Wed 25 Nov 2020: Bishop rolled 4,4,3,3 using 1d4,1d8,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 4,4,3,3. resist energy attack.
14:03, Wed 25 Nov 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 7,6,7,3,1 using d8,d8,d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 7,6,7,3,1. Dodge.
11:26, Wed 25 Nov 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 6,15 using d6,3d8 with rolls of 6,1,7,7.
10:33, Wed 25 Nov 2020: Chronaltomatons rolled 7,7,3,7,5,6,7,7,3,2, 5,6,4,4,3,1,6,5,1,3 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d10,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 7,7,3,7,5,6,7,7,3,2, 5,6,4,4,3,1,6,5,1,3. Physical attack on heroes.
10:15, Tue 24 Nov 2020: Watcher rolled 5,3,3,10,8,9,2,10,3,1 using d8,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d12 with rolls of 5,3,3,10,8,9,2,10,3,1. Doom Pool reaction to Iron Fist's attempt to step down Shang-Chi's Stress.
06:42, Sat 21 Nov 2020: Iron Fist rolled 6,1,3,6,3,5 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d6,1d6,1d10 with rolls of 6,1,3,6,3,5. Danny attempts to heal Shang-Chi's wounds.
10:12, Wed 11 Nov 2020: Watcher rolled 8,3,6,9,3,9,9,7,7,4 using d8,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 8,3,6,9,3,9,9,7,7,4. Doom Pool reaction to Spider-Man's attempt to create Web Bandages Asset.
18:41, Tue 10 Nov 2020: Storm rolled 6,6 using d10,d8 with rolls of 6,6. Reaction.
00:50, Tue 10 Nov 2020: Spider-Man rolled 5,5,2,4 using d6,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 5,5,2,4. Web bandages asset for Wolfsbane.
00:08, Tue 10 Nov 2020: Spider-Man rolled 3,5,4 using d6,d8,d8 with rolls of 3,5,4. Reaction to Taskmaster's Mental attack.
10:33, Fri 06 Nov 2020: Punisher rolled 7,2,6,5,2 using d8,d4,d6,d6,d10 with rolls of 7,2,6,5,2. Defend from Iron Fist's Mental attack.
06:14, Fri 06 Nov 2020: Iron Fist rolled 6,6,7,10 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d12 with rolls of 6,6,7,10. What is hopefully Iron Fist's final Mental Attack on the Punisher. .
03:56, Fri 06 Nov 2020: Machine Man rolled 6,8,3 using d8,d8,d10. Resist Wasp's Confusion.
10:57, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Punisher rolled 8,3,5,2 using d8,d4,d10,d8 with rolls of 8,3,5,2. Emotional attack (intimidation) on Storm.
10:37, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Taskmaster rolled 6 using 1d6 with rolls of 6. Mental attack on Spider-Man (part 2).
10:36, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Taskmaster rolled 8,3,5 using d10,d4,d8 with rolls of 8,3,5. Mental attack on Spider-Man.
10:21, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Wasp rolled 6,1,2,1 using d10,d4,d10,d6 with rolls of 6,1,2,1. The Wasp creates Inadvertent Confusion Complication on Machine Man.
10:15, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Punisher rolled 4,4,6,4 using d8,d4,d8,d8 with rolls of 4,4,6,4. Defend from Storm's mental attack.
02:34, Thu 05 Nov 2020: Storm rolled 8 using 1d8 with rolls of 8. Mental stress die for Pun.
10:21, Tue 03 Nov 2020: Watcher rolled 1,7,3,10,7,8,1,8,2 using d8,d8,d8,d10,d10,d10,d10,d10,d12 with rolls of 1,7,3,10,7,8,1,8,2. Doom Pool reaction to Venom's attempt to create Bivouac Asset.
02:09, Tue 03 Nov 2020: Storm rolled 10,5,6 using d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 10,5,6. More convincing!
02:26, Mon 02 Nov 2020: Venom rolled 2,2,2,10 using d6,d8,d10,d10 with rolls of 2,2,2,10. bivouac asset attempt.
09:46, Fri 30 Oct 2020: Logan rolled 4,1,4,4,6,11 using d6,d4,d6,d6,d6,d12 with rolls of 4,1,4,4,6,11. Defend from Yellowjacket's physical attack.
15:15, Thu 29 Oct 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 6,6,3,5,3,7 using d8,d8,d10,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 6,6,3,5,3,7. Attacking Logan.
09:46, Thu 29 Oct 2020: Logan rolled 6,4,5,8,3 using d6,d4,d8,d10,d6 with rolls of 6,4,5,8,3. Defend from Machine Man's Grappled Complication attempt.
03:13, Wed 28 Oct 2020: Machine Man rolled 6,4,6,4,4 using d8,d8,d10,d10,d8 with rolls of 6,4,6,4,4. Inflict Physical Grapple Complication against Logan.
09:28, Tue 27 Oct 2020: Logan rolled 4,1,7,6 using d6,d4,d10,d6 with rolls of 4,1,7,6. Defend from Bishop's physical attack.
18:19, Fri 23 Oct 2020: Bishop rolled 2,4,1,3 using 1d10,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 2,4,1,3. Physical attack vs Logan.
11:23, Fri 23 Oct 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 3,1,3,3,1,2 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d6,d10 with rolls of 3,1,3,3,1,2.
11:17, Fri 23 Oct 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 2,2,6,4,5 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d6 with rolls of 2,2,6,4,5.
10:21, Fri 23 Oct 2020: Logan rolled 1,3,4,10,3,6 using D6,d4,d8,d10,d10,d6 with rolls of 1,3,4,10,3,6. Logan Physical attack on Wolfsbane.
11:16, Sat 17 Oct 2020: Bishop rolled 1,7,2 using 1d4,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,7,2. resist distraction .
10:22, Fri 16 Oct 2020: Wasp rolled 4,4,5,4,6,5,5 using d10,d4,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6 with rolls of 4,4,5,4,6,5,5. Wasp creates Distracted Complication on Bishop.
08:47, Thu 15 Oct 2020: Punisher rolled 7,1,1,3,8 using d8,d4,d6,d6,d8 with rolls of 7,1,1,3,8. Defend from Storm's mental attack.
17:09, Wed 14 Oct 2020: Storm rolled 7,1,6,2,6 using d10,d8,d8,d6,d8 with rolls of 7,1,6,2,6. Convince!
12:15, Tue 13 Oct 2020: Venom rolled 6,2 using d6,d4 with rolls of 6,2.
09:49, Tue 13 Oct 2020: She-Hulk rolled 7,8,4,1,2 using d8,d8,d6,d8,d6 with rolls of 7,8,4,1,2. Mental attack on Venom.
09:28, Tue 13 Oct 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 1,1,1,3,1,3,4,1,2,4, 3,3,1,4,3,2,3,6 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d6 with rolls of 1,1,1,3,1,3,4,1,2,4, 3,3,1,4,3,2,3,6. Defend from Venom's emotional attack.
08:55, Tue 13 Oct 2020: Punisher rolled 1,1,3,1,5 using d8,d4,d6,d6,d6 with rolls of 1,1,3,1,5. Defend from Iron Fist's mental attack.
18:45, Fri 09 Oct 2020: Iron Fist rolled 5,1,4,5 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 5,1,4,5. Iron Fist attempting to persuade the Punisher to let him heal Shang-Chi.
18:30, Fri 09 Oct 2020: Venom rolled 6,3,2,4 using d10,d4,d6,d8 with rolls of 6,3,2,4. returning the stress favor.
14:59, Fri 09 Oct 2020: Iron Fist rolled 3,4,5 using 1d6,1d8,1d6 with rolls of 3,4,5. Iron Fist reacting to the Punisher's emotional attack.
09:00, Thu 08 Oct 2020: Punisher rolled 8,3,2,3 using d8,d4,d10,d6 with rolls of 8,3,2,3. Emotional attack (intimidation) on Iron Fist.
09:32, Fri 02 Oct 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 2,4,2,1,3,2,1,3,1,4, 1,3,2,3,3,7 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8 with rolls of 2,4,2,1,3,2,1,3,1,4, 1,3,2,3,3,7. Defend from Wolfsbane's Emotional attack.
14:42, Thu 01 Oct 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 7,1 using d8,d8 with rolls of 7,1.
10:25, Thu 01 Oct 2020: Wasp rolled 7,8,5,7 using d10,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 7,8,5,7. Mental attack on Yellowjacket.
10:13, Thu 01 Oct 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 1,2,3,5 using d6,d8,d6,d8 with rolls of 1,2,3,5.
09:52, Thu 01 Oct 2020: Shang-Chi rolled 3,4,3,4,2 using d8,d4,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 3,4,3,4,2. Defend from Yellowjacket's physical attack (on the Punisher).
16:48, Tue 29 Sept 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 7,8,4,7,2 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 7,8,4,7,2. Attacking Punisher.
15:28, Tue 29 Sept 2020: Venom rolled 4,2 using d6,d8 with rolls of 4,2. vs wearing him down to take control of him.
09:22, Tue 29 Sept 2020: Taskmaster rolled 8,4,7 using d10,d4,d8 with rolls of 8,4,7. Mental attack on Venom.
22:20, Sat 26 Sept 2020: Venom rolled 8,6,2 using d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 8,6,2. vs Moloid Mob's Emotional attack.
07:54, Sat 26 Sept 2020: Spider-Man rolled 6,4 using d6,d4 with rolls of 6,4. Reaction to Moloid Mob's Emotional attack.
09:51, Fri 25 Sept 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 1,5,3 using d6,d8,d10 with rolls of 1,5,3.
14:55, Thu 24 Sept 2020: Yellowjacket rolled 5,7 using d8,d8 with rolls of 5,7. resist emotional attack.
09:24, Thu 24 Sept 2020: Bishop rolled 13 using 3d8 with rolls of 2,8,3. resist emotional attack.
08:47, Thu 24 Sept 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1. Emotional attack on heroes (pt. 2).
08:46, Thu 24 Sept 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 2,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,2,4, 2,3,3,3,4,2,5,2,2,1 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d8,d6,d6,d6,d6 with rolls of 2,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,2,4, 2,3,3,3,4,2,5,2,2,1. Emotional attack on heroes (pt. 1).
15:32, Wed 23 Sept 2020: Iron Fist rolled 1,3 using 1d6,1d4 with rolls of 1,3. Iron Fist responding to Shang-Chi's emotional attack. .
08:45, Wed 23 Sept 2020: Shang-Chi rolled 8,2,1 using d8,d4,d8 with rolls of 8,2,1. Emotional attack on Iron Fist.
12:23, Tue 22 Sept 2020: Storm rolled 4,7 using d10,d8 with rolls of 4,7. Reaction (Team, SW leader).
09:49, Tue 22 Sept 2020: Punisher rolled 5,3,2,3,2 using d8,d8,d10,d6,d8 with rolls of 5,3,2,3,2. Emotional attack on Storm.
00:50, Mon 08 June 2020: Iron Fist rolled 1,4,6,6,5 using 1d6,1d8,1d8,1d6,1d6 with rolls of 1,4,6,6,5. Iron Fist trying to heal Storm's injuries.
21:36, Mon 27 Apr 2020: Watcher rolled 5,1,6 using d6,d8,d12 with rolls of 5,1,6. Doom Pool reaction to Spider-Man's attempt to create Asset.
12:59, Mon 27 Apr 2020: Spider-Man rolled 3,2,5,9,1,6,2 using d6,d8,d10,d10,d8,d10,d6 with rolls of 3,2,5,9,1,6,2. Webline Rescue asset.
22:05, Mon 20 Apr 2020: Watcher rolled 6,5,4 using d6,d8,d12 with rolls of 6,5,4. Doom Pool reaction to Storm's attempt to create Can't Touch This Asset.
22:40, Fri 17 Apr 2020: Storm rolled 10,4,5,5,2 using d10,d8,d10,d8,d8 with rolls of 10,4,5,5,2. Can't Touch This.
20:01, Wed 08 Apr 2020: Watcher rolled 3,1,1,7 using d8,d10,d12,d10 with rolls of 3,1,1,7. #4B, msg #96: Doom Pool reaction to Iron Fist's attempt to create Asset.
21:40, Tue 07 Apr 2020: Iron Fist rolled 6,1,7 using 1d6,1d10,1d10 with rolls of 6,1,7. Trying to rescue Wolfsbane from being smothered by Moloids. Making an asset called "Helping Hand.".
03:42, Sun 05 Apr 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 1,1,2,2,3,1,2,1,2,1, 1,3,3,3,3,4,6 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d12 with rolls of 1,1,2,2,3,1,2,1,2,1, 1,3,3,3,3,4,6. Defend from Bishop's physical attack.
17:04, Sat 04 Apr 2020: Bishop rolled 5,5,4,3 using 1d10,1d8,1d4,1d8 with rolls of 5,5,4,3. energy blast .
21:34, Tue 31 Mar 2020: Watcher rolled 5,7,7 using d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 5,7,7. Doom Pool reaction to Wolfsbane's attempt to increase Asset.
10:02, Tue 31 Mar 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 4,3,3,6 using d10,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,3,3,6.
21:31, Mon 30 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 4,4,1,3,1,3,3,1,3,2, 4,4,2,3,1,4,4 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8 with rolls of 4,4,1,3,1,3,3,1,3,2, 4,4,2,3,1,4,4. Defend from Taskmaster's physical attack.
21:13, Mon 30 Mar 2020: Watcher rolled 1,1,10,3,3 using d8,d8,d10,d12,d8 with rolls of 1,1,10,3,3. Doom Pool reaction to create Heading Skyward Asset.
18:32, Mon 30 Mar 2020: Taskmaster rolled 5,5,5,7,8 using d6,d8,d8,d10,d12 with rolls of 5,5,5,7,8.
23:39, Sun 29 Mar 2020: Storm rolled 1,2,7,8 using d10,d8,d12,d8 with rolls of 1,2,7,8. Heading skyward? .
20:38, Fri 27 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 3,4,3,1,1,2 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d12 with rolls of 3,4,3,1,1,2. Defend from Spider-Man's attempt to create All Webbed-Up Complication.
23:15, Thu 26 Mar 2020: Spider-Man rolled 3,2,10,6,5 using d6,d8,d10,d8,d6 with rolls of 3,2,10,6,5. All Webbed-Up Complication.
22:20, Thu 26 Mar 2020: Spider-Man rolled 4,4,3,3 using d6,d4,d8,d8 with rolls of 4,4,3,3.
07:50, Wed 25 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 4,2,3,3,5 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d8 with rolls of 4,2,3,3,5. Defend from Bishop's physical attack.
07:46, Wed 25 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 3,1,2,1,2,5,2 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d12 with rolls of 3,1,2,1,2,5,2. Defend from Iron Fist's physical attack.
12:20, Fri 20 Mar 2020: Bishop rolled 4,2,4,7 using 1d4,1d8,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 4,2,4,7. Energy blast.
08:16, Fri 20 Mar 2020: Iron Fist rolled 4,3,8,3 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d10 with rolls of 4,3,8,3. Iron Fist attacking the Moloid Mob.
08:10, Fri 20 Mar 2020: Iron Fist rolled 1,5,4 using 1d6,1d8,1d8 with rolls of 1,5,4. Iron Fist's reaction to Doom Pool's shell-shock attack.
06:55, Thu 19 Mar 2020: Watcher rolled 3,6,3,7,2 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 3,6,3,7,2. Doom Pool reaction to Taskmaster's attempt to create Beat a Moloid... Asset.
23:08, Fri 13 Mar 2020: Taskmaster rolled 3,8,7,10 using d6,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 3,8,7,10.
09:54, Fri 13 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 3,2,2,3,4,2,4,5 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d12 with rolls of 3,2,2,3,4,2,4,5. Moloids defend from Storm's physical attack.
09:48, Fri 13 Mar 2020: Watcher rolled 4,1,3,2,7,4 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d8,d4 with rolls of 4,1,3,2,7,4. Doom Pool reaction to Wolfsbane's attempt to create Asset.
00:53, Wed 11 Mar 2020: Taskmaster rolled 4,1,5,8 using d4,d6,d8,d10 with rolls of 4,1,5,8.
03:44, Tue 10 Mar 2020: Storm rolled 4,6,9,8 using d10,d8,d10,d8 with rolls of 4,6,9,8. Blast 'em!
03:35, Tue 10 Mar 2020: Storm rolled 2,4,3,2 using d10,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 2,4,3,2. Reaction.
01:46, Mon 09 Mar 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 4,4,6,6 using d6,d8,d8,d8 with rolls of 4,4,6,6. Avoid attack.
01:39, Mon 09 Mar 2020: Wolfsbane rolled 3,6,4,7 using d6,d8,d8,d10 with rolls of 3,6,4,7.
01:37, Sat 07 Mar 2020: Shang-Chi rolled 14,2,4 using 3d10,1d4,1d6 with rolls of 7,2,5,2,4. Reaction to Moloid Mob's attempt to create Overrun complication.
20:24, Fri 06 Mar 2020: Bishop rolled 4,8,10,7,8 using 1d8,1d8,1d10,1d10,1d8 with rolls of 4,8,10,7,8. Resist moloid mob with 'everything I've got'.
10:31, Fri 06 Mar 2020: Moloid Mob rolled 1,3,2,2,3,3,7,7,2,4, 2,2,3,8 using d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d4,d8,d8,d6,d6,d6,d6,d6,d12 with rolls of 1,3,2,2,3,3,7,7,2,4, 2,2,3,8. Attempt to create Overrun, Overcome, Overwhelmed Complication on heroes.