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, welcome to Traveller - Campaign BC1 - As the Crow Flies

21:27, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The RPoL Die Roller

Enter in the number of dice you want to roll and the number of sides each die has. Any modifier to the roll is added to the result, not to individual dice.

Step 1: Choose the Dice
Select dice and modifiers


Manually enter dice
Step 2: Roll Options (optional)
Drop or keep: dice


Re-roll Ones


Other options
Step 3: Game System or Special Dice (optional)
System / Special Dice


(any system requirements)

Step 4: Special Settings (optional)
Other roll options


Add a log memo
Step 5: Throw Them Bones
[ Example Screen Only -- Only Players May Roll Dice -- Example Screen Only ]

Refresh the dice log

17:02, Sun 18 Feb 2018: The Flea rolled 13 using 2d12+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  HP lvl 6.

17:02, Sun 18 Feb 2018: The Flea rolled 8 using 2d12+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  HP lvl 5.

17:01, Sun 18 Feb 2018: The Flea rolled 13 using 2d12+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  HP lvl 4.

17:01, Sun 18 Feb 2018: The Flea rolled 11 using 2d12+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  HP lvl 3.

17:01, Sun 18 Feb 2018: The Flea rolled 14 using 2d12+3, dropping the lowest dice only.  HP lvl 2.

20:51, Tue 09 Jan 2018: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 55 using 12d6.  Resistance - Reactions.

20:51, Tue 09 Jan 2018: Gamemaster rolled 23 using 5d6.  Gorilla punch.

20:36, Tue 09 Jan 2018: Gamemaster rolled 16 using 6d6.  Resistance - Reactions.

09:02, Mon 01 Jan 2018: The Flea rolled 18 using 8d6.  Stinky foot!

19:49, Sun 31 Dec 2017: Gamemaster rolled 12 using 6d6.  Resistance - Reactions.

09:07, Sat 23 Dec 2017: The Flea rolled 28 using 8d6.  At hack inn the airy chaps.

23:08, Sun 10 Dec 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 3 using 1d6.  Awareness.

13:56, Sun 26 Nov 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 10 using 3d6.  Danger Sense.

20:51, Tue 14 Nov 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 1 using 1d6.  Investigation.

20:50, Tue 14 Nov 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 4 using 1d6.  Awareness.

12:49, Fri 03 Nov 2017: The Flea rolled 14 using 3d6.  Creepy ceiling creeping.

11:55, Tue 31 Oct 2017: The Flea rolled 8 using 2d6.  Snoopety-snoop-snoop!  Anyone there?  (Using Intrusion).

19:06, Sat 21 Oct 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 22 using 6d6.  Open Sesame!

06:28, Thu 19 Oct 2017: The Flea rolled 10 using 2d6.  In True Shun.  Narf!

20:05, Sun 17 Sept 2017: Gamemaster rolled 6 using 1d6.  Will - 1d.

16:03, Thu 14 Sept 2017: The Flea rolled 17 using 6d6.  Wriggle, wriggle, little worm, do you no good, all that squirm.

19:12, Sun 10 Sept 2017: Gamemaster rolled 17 using 3d6.  Escaping - 1d Fort + 2d Athlet.

17:11, Sun 03 Sept 2017: The Flea rolled 16 using 6d6.  Don't pretend to drink and pick-pocket.

14:06, Sun 03 Sept 2017: Gamemaster, on behalf of The Flea, rolled 9 using 2d6.  Awareness: Target = 6.

Refresh the dice log