15:06, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa got the result "Concentrate and ask again" on the magic 8-ball.
15:06, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa got the result "Most likely" on the magic 8-ball.
15:06, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa rolled 4 using the Last Unicorn system with 1d6.
15:03, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa drew the 0 - The Fool card from the Tarot Deck - Full.
15:03, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa drew the XVIII - The Moon card from the Tarot Deck - Major Arcana.
15:00, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa drew the single card: QC using a deck of 52 cards.
14:59, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa drew the single card: 2D using a deck of 52 cards.
14:59, Sun 03 Nov 2024: Dogaressa drew the 52 cards: QC, QS, 8S, 5S, 5C, AS, 7H, QH, JH, AD, 10C, 2S, 9H, 2D, 9C, 8H, 4S, 6C, 2C, JD, 6D, 5H, KH, 9D, 7C, 4H, 6H, 7D, KC, 3C, 7S, 3S, 8C, 3D, 4C, AH, JS, JC, KD, 4D, 5D, 10S, KS, 9S, 3H, QD, 2H, 8D, AC, 6S, 10D, 10H using a deck of 52 cards.