23:04, Thu 09 June 2022: Jasmine rolled 1 success using 3d10 with the World of Darkness nWoD system with a target of 8, rerolling 10s.
20:21, Tue 24 May 2022: Shadow rolled 4 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness nWoD system with a target of 8, rerolling 10s.
20:00, Tue 24 May 2022: Jasmine failed (no successes) using 3d10 with the World of Darkness nWoD system with a target of 8, rerolling 10s.
23:09, Fri 20 May 2022: Shadow rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness nWoD system with a target of 8, rerolling 10s. Grapple.
22:20, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 82 using 10d10, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(10+2)12,7,(10+6)16,3,8,9,3,6,(10+5)15. Test reroll tool.
22:10, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 3 using 1d10 with rolls of 3. 10 explode.
22:09, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 41 using 7d10 with rolls of 4,9,2,10,6,8,2. Second shot.
21:39, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 17 using 2d10.
21:39, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 57 using 10d10. Sniper shot.
20:02, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 4 using 1d10 with rolls of 4.
20:02, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 29 using 5d10 with rolls of 9,5,4,1,10.
20:01, Thu 11 June 2020: Jasmine rolled 31 using 6d10 with rolls of 9,3,5,4,3,7. Stealth check.