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, welcome to [TWDU] The Walking Dead: Crescent Tales

12:06, 9th October 2024 (GMT+0)

The RPoL Die Roller

Enter in the number of dice you want to roll and the number of sides each die has. Any modifier to the roll is added to the result, not to individual dice.

Step 1: Choose the Dice
Select dice and modifiers


Manually enter dice
Step 2: Roll Options (optional)
Drop or keep: dice


Re-roll Ones


Other options
Step 3: Game System or Special Dice (optional)
System / Special Dice


(any system requirements)

Step 4: Special Settings (optional)
Other roll options


Add a log memo
Step 5: Throw Them Bones
[ Example Screen Only -- Only Players May Roll Dice -- Example Screen Only ]

Refresh the dice log

11:14, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3.

11:13, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5.

10:58, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4.  Does the old guy have anything to say?

10:37, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5.

10:37, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane got the result "Concentrate and ask again" on the magic 8-ball.

17:35, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 1.

17:34, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4.

17:30, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Does the old guy have another weapon?

14:18, Wed 14 Aug: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 11d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Disarm via surprise.

13:52, Mon 05 Aug: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Stealth.

22:33, Sun 04 Aug: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits & Scout (get mental sense of location) .

03:47, Sat 03 Aug: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Second three shot group/Suppressive fire at horde. .

23:53, Wed 31 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,5.

23:50, Wed 31 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2,2,3,4,2,3,4.  Agility+ Movement roll to keep going. .

17:09, Wed 31 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Stealth.

03:22, Wed 31 July: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Firing at walkers using Suppressive fire.

15:27, Tue 30 July: Keiko Takumi failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Scavenged item.

23:30, Sun 28 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 5d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Survival +1 stress.

21:03, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,1,4.

21:01, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.

14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons rolled 1 success using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6.  Gear 3 reroll.

14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4.  Gear 3.

14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4.  Gear 2.

14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2.  Gear 1.

14:01, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,1,2.  Scavenging.

07:19, Sun 28 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,5,5.  D666.

03:11, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2,4,1.  d666.

23:48, Sat 27 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  GM requested scavenging roll.

17:51, Tue 23 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.

13:28, Tue 23 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits + Scout: Anything that looks useful.

11:42, Tue 23 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits.

11:19, Tue 23 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits roll.

11:00, Tue 23 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits.

09:48, Tue 23 July: Keiko Takumi failed (no successes) using 5d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits.

07:11, Tue 23 July: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4,1.  Wits.

10:23, Mon 22 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,2.  Computer info.

16:44, Fri 19 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Tech for accessing computers.

18:10, Thu 18 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Quiet?

14:07, Thu 18 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Stealth.

16:47, Wed 17 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,6,1,4,2,1,4,5.  Tech for building a weapon.

02:10, Wed 17 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits & Scouting, trying to find a weapon.

02:06, Wed 17 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.

01:41, Wed 17 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Scouting check for weapon. .

19:39, Tue 16 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.

08:16, Sat 13 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Pushing the roll.

08:16, Sat 13 July: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Force: remove barricade, if it's needed. .

01:48, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,5,1.  (Rolling again to show dice, Wits + Scout.

01:41, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Strength + Endure .

01:39, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Wits + Scout (looking out the window) .

20:42, Fri 12 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Scouting roll.

01:14, Fri 12 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 1d1000 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.

23:25, Wed 03 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Stress die.

23:25, Wed 03 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Pushing close combat.

08:31, Tue 02 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,5,3,2,1,6.  Close Combat using Steady Hands.

05:47, Tue 02 July: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Mobility roll to escape the zombie .

05:25, Tue 02 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Close combat attack .

02:22, Tue 02 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Close contact.

01:39, Tue 02 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Agility + Mobility- basic 'getaway'.

23:33, Mon 01 July: Emma Lyons rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Mobility.

13:33, Mon 01 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Stealth.

16:50, Sun 30 June: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Looking for saline IV bags.

15:26, Sun 30 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Just checking something..

19:10, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 4 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Looking under bathroom door .

19:10, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 2 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Checking bathroom door lock.

01:36, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Scouting bathroom door.

15:44, Thu 27 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Mobility Roll.

15:09, Thu 27 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Looking for a particular clue. (Scout + Wits) .

14:01, Wed 26 June: Emma Lyons rolled 4 successes using 9d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Mobility .

11:51, Wed 26 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 success using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Endure Roll.

11:15, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Emp+ Medicine to help, 0 stress.

10:56, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  (Endurance/STR): Force speech out? .

10:42, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,2.  Wits roll [Self check for 'memory'].

10:40, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 3 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4,1,6,6,6,3.  Can she get out of bed? SHOULD she? :) .

10:39, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 1,4,2,6.  2nd Endure Roll (Reducing Stress)  3+1 stress.

10:30, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  IS she okay? (self inventory) .

09:57, Wed 26 June: Nolan Kane rolled 3 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,6,5,2,6,5,5,5.  Mobility Roll .

09:54, Wed 26 June: Nolan Kane rolled 2 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.  Endure.

01:34, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 2 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,1,2,5,2,6.  +3 stress dice, .

01:28, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,5,1.  Endure roll (not out of bed) .

01:25, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,4,3,1,4,5,4.  .

00:45, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,3,6,2,5,6.  Agility+mobility+0 Stress.

00:43, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 4 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,6,4,6,6,5,2,5.  Strength+endure+3 stress.

00:25, Wed 26 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 9 using 3d6.  Endure Roll.

00:19, Wed 26 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 18 using 4d6.  Endure check.

00:15, Wed 26 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 12 using 4d6.  Endure check.

23:36, Tue 25 June: Emma Lyons rolled 12 using 3d6.  +Stress.

23:32, Tue 25 June: Emma Lyons rolled 19 using 6d6.  Endure.

01:05, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 using 1d6.  # of moonshine bottles.

01:04, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 6 using 1d6.  Gear Roll 3.

01:04, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 2 using 1d6.  Gear Roll 2.

01:03, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 3 using 1d6.  Gear Roll 1.

00:51, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 using 1d6.  Number of grenades .

00:50, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 6 using 1d6.  Reroll gear 3.

00:50, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6.  Gear 3.

00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 5 using 1d6.  Reroll gear 2.

00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6.  Gear 2.

00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6.  Gear 1.

Refresh the dice log