11:14, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3.
11:13, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5.
10:58, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4. Does the old guy have anything to say?
10:37, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5.
10:37, Thu 15 Aug: Nolan Kane got the result "Concentrate and ask again" on the magic 8-ball.
17:35, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 1.
17:34, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4.
17:30, Wed 14 Aug: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Does the old guy have another weapon?
14:18, Wed 14 Aug: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 11d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Disarm via surprise.
13:52, Mon 05 Aug: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Stealth.
22:33, Sun 04 Aug: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits & Scout (get mental sense of location) .
03:47, Sat 03 Aug: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Second three shot group/Suppressive fire at horde. .
23:53, Wed 31 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,5.
23:50, Wed 31 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2,2,3,4,2,3,4. Agility+ Movement roll to keep going. .
17:09, Wed 31 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Stealth.
03:22, Wed 31 July: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Firing at walkers using Suppressive fire.
15:27, Tue 30 July: Keiko Takumi failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Scavenged item.
23:30, Sun 28 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 5d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Survival +1 stress.
21:03, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,1,4.
21:01, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.
14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons rolled 1 success using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6. Gear 3 reroll.
14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4. Gear 3.
14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4. Gear 2.
14:09, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2. Gear 1.
14:01, Sun 28 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,1,2. Scavenging.
07:19, Sun 28 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,5,5. D666.
03:11, Sun 28 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 2,4,1. d666.
23:48, Sat 27 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. GM requested scavenging roll.
17:51, Tue 23 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.
13:28, Tue 23 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits + Scout: Anything that looks useful.
11:42, Tue 23 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits.
11:19, Tue 23 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits roll.
11:00, Tue 23 July: Emma Lyons failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits.
09:48, Tue 23 July: Keiko Takumi failed (no successes) using 5d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits.
07:11, Tue 23 July: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4,1. Wits.
10:23, Mon 22 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,2. Computer info.
16:44, Fri 19 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Tech for accessing computers.
18:10, Thu 18 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Quiet?
14:07, Thu 18 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Stealth.
16:47, Wed 17 July: Keiko Takumi rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,6,1,4,2,1,4,5. Tech for building a weapon.
02:10, Wed 17 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits & Scouting, trying to find a weapon.
02:06, Wed 17 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.
01:41, Wed 17 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Scouting check for weapon. .
19:39, Tue 16 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.
08:16, Sat 13 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Pushing the roll.
08:16, Sat 13 July: Nolan Kane failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Force: remove barricade, if it's needed. .
01:48, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,5,1. (Rolling again to show dice, Wits + Scout.
01:41, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Strength + Endure .
01:39, Sat 13 July: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Wits + Scout (looking out the window) .
20:42, Fri 12 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Scouting roll.
01:14, Fri 12 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 1d1000 with the Target Number system with a target of 6.
23:25, Wed 03 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 1d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Stress die.
23:25, Wed 03 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Pushing close combat.
08:31, Tue 02 July: Nolan Kane rolled 1 success using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,5,3,2,1,6. Close Combat using Steady Hands.
05:47, Tue 02 July: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Mobility roll to escape the zombie .
05:25, Tue 02 July: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 10d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Close combat attack .
02:22, Tue 02 July: Rodrigo Duma failed (no successes) using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Close contact.
01:39, Tue 02 July: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Agility + Mobility- basic 'getaway'.
23:33, Mon 01 July: Emma Lyons rolled 1 success using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Mobility.
13:33, Mon 01 July: Rodrigo Duma rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Stealth.
16:50, Sun 30 June: Theodore Moreaux failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Looking for saline IV bags.
15:26, Sun 30 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Just checking something..
19:10, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 4 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Looking under bathroom door .
19:10, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 2 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Checking bathroom door lock.
01:36, Fri 28 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Scouting bathroom door.
15:44, Thu 27 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 success using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Mobility Roll.
15:09, Thu 27 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Looking for a particular clue. (Scout + Wits) .
14:01, Wed 26 June: Emma Lyons rolled 4 successes using 9d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Mobility .
11:51, Wed 26 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 success using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Endure Roll.
11:15, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Emp+ Medicine to help, 0 stress.
10:56, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. (Endurance/STR): Force speech out? .
10:42, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 2d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,2. Wits roll [Self check for 'memory'].
10:40, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 3 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4,1,6,6,6,3. Can she get out of bed? SHOULD she? :) .
10:39, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 1,4,2,6. 2nd Endure Roll (Reducing Stress) 3+1 stress.
10:30, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 4d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. IS she okay? (self inventory) .
09:57, Wed 26 June: Nolan Kane rolled 3 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,6,5,2,6,5,5,5. Mobility Roll .
09:54, Wed 26 June: Nolan Kane rolled 2 successes using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6. Endure.
01:34, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 2 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,1,2,5,2,6. +3 stress dice, .
01:28, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda rolled 1 success using 3d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,5,1. Endure roll (not out of bed) .
01:25, Wed 26 June: Jen Guirnalda failed (no successes) using 7d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5,4,3,1,4,5,4. .
00:45, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 2 successes using 6d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 3,3,6,2,5,6. Agility+mobility+0 Stress.
00:43, Wed 26 June: Rodrigo Duma rolled 4 successes using 8d6 with the Target Number system with a target of 6 with rolls of 6,6,4,6,6,5,2,5. Strength+endure+3 stress.
00:25, Wed 26 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 9 using 3d6. Endure Roll.
00:19, Wed 26 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 18 using 4d6. Endure check.
00:15, Wed 26 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 12 using 4d6. Endure check.
23:36, Tue 25 June: Emma Lyons rolled 12 using 3d6. +Stress.
23:32, Tue 25 June: Emma Lyons rolled 19 using 6d6. Endure.
01:05, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 1 using 1d6. # of moonshine bottles.
01:04, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 6 using 1d6. Gear Roll 3.
01:04, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 2 using 1d6. Gear Roll 2.
01:03, Fri 21 June: Aliyah Worthington rolled 3 using 1d6. Gear Roll 1.
00:51, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 1 using 1d6. Number of grenades .
00:50, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 6 using 1d6. Reroll gear 3.
00:50, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6. Gear 3.
00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 5 using 1d6. Reroll gear 2.
00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6. Gear 2.
00:49, Fri 21 June: Theodore Moreaux rolled 3 using 1d6. Gear 1.