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Threads and Messages

Information in games is organized in Threads and Messages.  Threads are a collection of related Messages, gathered under one subject.

+ Threads

Only GMs can start new threads in a game, and all registered users can start new threads in forums and open discussion groups.  Anyone with the appropriate permissions can then append their message to thread by replying.  This, naturally enough, is the main way that characters (and registered users in a forum) communicate with each other.

+ Thread Groups

Within games, any thread can be in one of several groups:

Public Only the GM can post to Public threads, but all users of RPoL can read them.
0 Only GMs and characters in group 0 can read and post to Group 0, but all visitors can read it.
1-9, A-U Only GMs and characters in each of these groups can read and post to the specific group.
Z Only the GM can post to Group Z; only GMs and players in Group Z may read it.
Archive As with Public threads, all users of RPoL can read archived threads. When a thread is archived, all private text within it is made visible to all players and visitors.

+ Thread Functions

GMs in a game have several functions they can apply to a thread, either from the thread's display, or from the Edit Thread menu:

Bump Using the "bump" function updates the thread date to the current time and date; it will cause the thread to appear to be unread, and move it to the top of the thread list (below any Notices).  The "bump" function may be accessed through the Edit Thread menu, or by editing any post within the thread.
Close Closing a thread stops players from posting to it.  The "close" function may be accessed through the Edit Thread menu.
Archive When a thread is archived, it becomes publicly viewable with all Private Lines becoming public text.  The "archive" function may be accessed through the Edit Thread menu.
Notice When a thread is made into a Notice, it will become permanently fixed to the top of the thread list in at the Game Menu.  The "Notice" function may be accessed through the Edit Thread menu, or by editing the first post in the thread.
Delete Using the Delete function causes the thread to be permanently removed from the thread from the game; deleted threads cannot be recovered.
D/L Choosing to download a thread displays a dialog for the GM so they may select the information from the thread they wish to receive.  Once they make their selections then click the "Download Thread" button, the thread will display as plain text so it may easily be copied for pasting and saving in a file.  

Private Message threads have the following functions available:

Delete Using the Delete function removes this thread for the player or GM using the Delete function.  Note that if a GM to whom a Private Thread is not specifically addressed uses the "Delete" function, it will remove the thread for all other GMs to whom the thread is not specifically addressed (this is usually seen in the case of Request Access threads where only the Game Owner is specifically addressed by the thread).
Purge (GMs only) The Purge function removes this thread for everyone.  The thread will not be recoverable.
D/L Choosing to download a thread displays a dialog for the GM so they may select the information from the thread they wish to receive.  Once they make their selections then click the "Download Thread" button, the thread will display as plain text so it may easily be copied for pasting and saving in a file.

+ Posting a Message

When posting a message, the following options are available:

Name GMs and players who have more than one character in the game will have an option to select the character they wish to post as.  If they are replying to a thread then only the characters that are in the thread's group will be shown.
Other Name (GMs only) This option allows the GM to use a posting name which is not part of their character list.  This is particularly useful for disposable NPCs which will be used only once or very rarely.  This option is not available in Private Messages.
Subject This if for the subject the post will have.  If the post is beginning a new thread then this will also be the thread topic that will display in the Game Menu.  The Subject is limited to 60 characters and may not contain formatting code or special characters.
Message This is for the body of the message itself.  RuBB Code may be entered here to format the post (the RuBB Code document for a full list of available code).  Each message has a limit of fifty thousand characters (51,200 to be precise), which is approximately 10,000 words or 200 paragraphs.
Preview / Delay Post
The Preview button allows the poster to see how their message will look before they post it.  This is ideal for when formatting code has been included and helps ensure the message looks as intended.  Additionally, GMs can delay posts with this option by selecting the appropriate time delay in the preview screen. Note: The delay post functionality is performed by your javascript-enabled browser -- not only must you have javascript enabled, but you must leave the browser on this window while it counts down the delay and eventually posts on your behalf.  If you close the browser window, the post will be lost.
Post Message This posts the message.  If there are serious errors within the post, you will be returned the compose screen and asked to correct them before proceeding.
To Group xx (GMs only) This permits the GM to select which group the new thread will be visible to.  Note that this is only available in the first post of any thread.
Notice(GMs only) Checking this option makes the thread a Notice, which will always appear at the top of the thread listing. Note: This can only be done in the first post of a thread; Notices are closed by default but can be opened afterwards.
Cancel Clicking cancel will cause the post to be aborted; there will be no confirmation screen.
bold, italic, underline, strike, sup, sub, small, pre, tt These links provide quick-picks for the most common formatting options; by selecting text and clicking one of the styles here, the text will be properly coded to render in that style.  Alternately, clicking one of the links with no text selected will open a dialog that will insert the entered text within the proper codes at the insertion point within the text message.  For more information on formatting options see the document on RuBB Code.
styled text This drop-down list allows the user to choose a color or font-style for the text in their post.  If the text has been selected, the formatting code will be inserted around it, otherwise a pop-up dialog will show up and any text entered in it will be inserted in the message (properly coded) at the insertion point.
Insert a private line to This drop-down box will open a dialog; any text entered in that dialog will be inserted (in proper code) at the insertion point within the message. Private Lines may be read only by GMs and the players of the characters to whom they are addressed.
Private to By selecting one or more of the "Private to" boxes at the bottom of the screen, the message will not be posted to the thread you are replying to but rather it will be posted as a new Private Message thread addressed to the selected recipients.  The "to group" option is ignored if one or more of these check boxes are selected as Private Messages cannot be assigned to Groups.  If you are replying to an existing Private Message then changing any of the pre-selected check boxes will start a new thread.

Last updated: 05:05, Sat 13 July.
Direct link: http://rpol.net/help/?t=help&page=threadsposts